~ 35

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Chapter 35 |
Third Person Pov

Marlon stumbles up the stairs and into the living room. He plops on the couch and takes a deep breath. His head throbs forcefully, and his vision is hazy.

"What's up, man? You taking a break?" A voice boomed behind him. Marlon almost jumped out of his skin.

"Uh-huh," Marlon stammered, "I just had to take him out just now."

There was silence.

"You did the brother first? Did you tell Boss?"

Marlon's palms were getting sweaty. "I didn't think to, I came up here first," Marlon said.

The man behind him sighed. "You need me to help you go get him?"


"Bring him up here? Show the others... you know, the plan?" The man tells him.

"Oh, right." Marlon plays along.

Marlon stands up hesitantly. His legs are like jelly, and his heart beats faster as he walks towards the basement door with the man following closely behind.

As they get to the bottom of the staircase, Marlon stops and stares at the room. The man comes from behind him and examines the scene. The man that Janet killed is face down on the concrete floor with blood pooling from his body.

The man that followed Marlon went over the body.

"He put up a fight, huh?" He asked.

Marlon failed to answer. In response, the man looks directly at Marlon's face. His face goes pale, then Marlon shoots him right in between the eyes.

• • •

It may as well have been the shot heard around the world. Michael and Kyela looked at each other in disbelief when they heard it. There was no noise that followed immediately after, but they felt like they were next.

Simone and Jermaine were prepared to leave their room until they heard footsteps approaching the door. The door swung open and two men charged in the room. One man grabbed Simone by the back of the head and the other put Jermaine in a chokehold. They hustled them out of the door and forced them through the house.

Marlon had climbed out of the basement window and made it outside without being detected. He thought he would catch up with Janet somewhere, but she was nowhere to be found.

However, Regan had been notified that two of her flunkies had been killed and Marlon was missing.

"How could this happen?" Rehab asked Reggie.

Reggie was sitting behind the large wooden desk shaking his head in disbelief.

Regan sighed. "Go get the last two," she demanded to a pair out of her crew. "We have to speed this up, I guess."

• • •

Michael wanted nothing more than to kill the man who was forcing him and Kyela onto their knees next to his brother, sister, and Simone. They were all positioned in a line facing a bookshelf in the main living room. All of them had been bound once again so they couldn't swing or grab any weapons.

Regan walked in the room wearing a casual outfit and a dirty look on her face.

"Notice anything different?" Regan asked.

Everyone simply stared at her without saying a word.

"Marlon went first... Now you're all next," Regan lied.

Kyela felt cold, and Michael looked down at the floor. Nobody spoke or made a noise. No one moved.

Regan looked at her security. "Shall I do the honors?"

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