~ 9

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Chapter 9 |

Kyela's Pov

Michael left the house shortly after the movers left to go and get something to fix his car. That left Kees and I all alone in the house. I thought about calling Simone, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just didn't want to be alone.

I emptied a box of new plates and began stacking them into the cabinets when I heard a familiar sound outside. I peered out of the kitchen window where I could see the driveway, and the loud engine on the car roared as it slowed to a stop at the end of the driveway. I narrowed my eyes at the person who got out, but I rushed to the door. When I got to it, he was stepping into the porch, and I sighed pulling the door open.

"I wanted to talk to you," Colby said.

I cut my eyes at him. "How did you find out where I live?" I asked.

He smiled. "I stopped by your mom's house this morning thinking you'd be there. She told me your address," he told me.

I folded my arms over my chest and just stared at him.

"Can I come in?" He asked. He still had a smile on his face, but I didn't have one on mine.

"No," I said trying to shut the door, but he put his foot in between it. I looked at his foot, and my lips stayed parted for a little bit before I looked at his face. It held a sort of smug expression that I didn't like. I gulped dryly and tried to form a plan in my head.

He chuckled in the way that men do when they know they have something over you. It sent a chill down my spine, but I had to shake that feeling away and put my game face on. "Is your husband home?" He asked.

"No, but my son is asleep, and I'd rather you not wake him," I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, I'll be quiet," he offered.

I sighed. He's persistent now. I felt my hand twitch, and I remembered how long it had been since I'd used them on someone. I moved away from the door and pulled it open to make way for him to come through. I shut the door, but I kept it unlocked and slightly cracked open. I turned back to Colby and took a deep breath.

"We can stay in the kitchen," I said as I led him into the room, and my eyes darted around the room trying to find the nearest weapon. We hadn't bought any kitchen supplies yet, so I didn't have any knives, but I knew there had to be something.

"I really just came over to tell you something I can't tell you over the phone," he admitted.

I spun on my heel to face him with a smirk on my face. "Go ahead," I said.

He took a step forward and gently touched my jaw with the tips of his fingers. I watched his hands with every move.

"After you disappeared, I was so heartbroken, and I never got over you. Can you believe that? You're the only one I love, Kyela, and I need you," he said. I looked at him, and his face held a hard expression. "You're not getting the love you deserve here, and I know it. I can see it in your face... You don't look the same, you don't talk the same, you don't smile the same..."

"You don't know me, Colby. The things I've been through you couldn't even imagine in your perfect little life, okay? I've changed, and I'm not the same Kyela I was when I was dancing and feeling sorry for myself living in my mother's house. You need to let it go, alright? And you don't know a damn thing about me and my husband, so keep that out of your mouth," I warned.

He glared at me and took a step forward, and I backed away. He grabbed me by the hips and held me in a tight grip against his solid chest. He gritted his teeth together and growled, "That baby you have in there should be mine. That ring on your finger should be from me. That seed growing inside of you right now should belong to me!"

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