~ 19

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Chapter 19 |

Kyela's Pov

Getting all of them into the same room seemed a lot harder than usual, but I pushed the tension aside and tried to make the best of this family get together. Janet was the last to show up although she was one of the closest to us since staying at the hotel and all. On the other hand, Randy was the first to show up. Everybody else showed up in between then, including my mom.

I held a bowl of mashed potatoes on my stomach and carried them into the formal dining room. Rebbie came in behind me and laid out the bowl of green beans and basket of rolls.

"I'm not used to you cooking everything," she commented.

I laughed, "It won't be the last time. I just... hope I made I enough." I looked across the whole table and counted over everything to make sure we wouldn't run out before everybody ate. It's hard to pinpoint everybody's eating habits in such a big family.

I hobbled into the living room where everybody was sitting around. Jermaine and Simone were sitting on the chair together watching TV while Marlon, Randy, and Jackie did the same on the couch. Tito was asleep next to them, and Janet was on the floor playing with Kees. I had no idea where my mom was, but I was sure she was around the place somewhere.

"Dinner's ready," I announced. Everybody's movements were sluggish as they peeled themselves from their seats and made their way into the dining room. I heard footsteps behind me, and I looked up to find Michael standing there. He went up to Janet who was adjusting Kees' onesie, and she handed him over.

Janet walked past me, and I looked at Michael who was already staring at me. I took a deep breath, and he rolled his eyes.

"You've got some explaining to do," I said with a smirk. "By the way, have you seen Mom?"

He shrugged. "She's gotta be around here somewhere," he reiterated my thoughts.

Michael walked over to the couch and smacked Tito's arm to wake him up to go and eat. Then, we walked into the dining room with everyone else. There were quiet whispers although there was no heavy conversation going on which made my hands shake. I walked around the table and sat in the empty chair at the head of the table right next to Janet and Rebbie. Michael sat at the other end, and he refused to take his eyes off of the baby.

I was about to reach for the green beans when my mom walked into the room. She cautiously sat in between Janet and Simone, and I sighed. After that, the only noise in the room was really the scraping of utensils against bowls and plates.

I heard my mom exhale deeply. "So all of you are siblings?" She asked.

I glanced up from my plate to look at Michael as he spoon fed Kees in his lap. We both knew that my mom's question could lead all of us down the wrong path.

"Well, everybody but me," Simone spoke up, "I'm just Jermaine's fiancée."

Jermaine turned to look at her, but my mom just gave a sheepish smile.

"So, you're Kye's best friend, right?" My mom asked.

Simone smirked. "That's me," she said.

I heard a snort from across the table and shot Michael a glare. I looked at Simone, and she gave me a challenging look as if I were going to say something to her about what she said.

I had more important things to worry about than Simone's  disrespectful attitude. Reluctantly, we had made up months ago, but our friendship- if that's even the word for this  dysfunctional mess- would never be the same. She had hit below the belt that day, and I don't even know what made her come back.

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