Fun and Games

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Hey guys, just to let you know, I'm going to be changing it from 'you' to 'I' :) enjoy!

Following suit, Dan let out a chuckle, that slowly turned into a full laugh, whick led to tears streaming down his face. "Dan?" I looked up at Dan worriedly. He had a bright smile on he face through the tears that were streaming down his face. He rapped his arms around you in a full on tight embrace showing no signs of letting go anytime soon. "You idiot! I'm just so, so happy that you're okay! I was so worried that something had actually happened to you! You scared the absolute shit outta me! I've never been so happy to be pranked in my life!" Everybody seemed to be so shocked, even myself. I tightly hugged Dan back apologising. They suddenly both stopped for a moment though. Everyone paused as Dan let go of me and wiped away his tears, with a look of realization upon his face. "Oh shit..." they looked over at the just now waking up groans of Felix. He slowly stood up and started to laugh. "Jesus! You hit hard Mark!" he said through his laughing as Edger and Mya scurried over to him barking. Not soon after everybody in the room was laughing their heads off. If I was to look back and describe this day with one word it would have to be 'insane'! Once we got back to our flat Dan ended up taking the camera and editing the videos together. As it had turned out, Phil had done perfect ly in his job and filmed both Dan and Mark running around following the clues that we had left scattered around and their frantic pacing! The video came together perfectly. To put it all together, Dan had me come over and sit next to him (after he had turned the camera on) and he rapped his arm around me, starting his intro.

"Hello internet! So, for the past few days I have been on a wild duck hunt to find this little devil. Apparently she had decided that it would be a good idea to play a prank on me, and as you will see, it didn't go the ideal way" Dan laughed out the last few words and then continued. "Anyway, here's the video, hope that you enjoy it!"

And just like that, that story was over.

That night I slept soundly in Dan's arms. He wouldn't let me go...

Okay! Here it is guys! The title of my new Dan x reader is...

"Loving You"

I hope that you guys continue to love the story! I'm thinking of finding a good way to end off this book, if you guys want me to write a continuation/ part 2 of the book then please just let me know! But to be honest, I've never been able to come up with an ending for any of my books one here... It's not just because I have so many more ideas for these books, but also because, I'm not so good at endings, more specifically speaking, not good at goodbyes... So I hope that this time I can come up with something worthy of you guys, which will be so hard seeing as you guys deserve so much :) Thank you so much, all of you for reading this! I hope that you all continue to enjoy reading this book! Don't worry, this is far from the final chapter haha but I thought that I should let you all know! Thanks again! Byebye!

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