Chapter 1

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It was another normal day in Fiora Academy. Every student was sitting in class waiting for the bell for lunch to ring, except the occasional few who actually liked school. Most eyes were set on the clock as its hand drew all that much closer to the lunch hour with one minute to go.

The moment the lunch bell rang every single student had already packed up they're things and had raced out of the door and into the school hallways where friends would meet up and head over to the canteen.

Of course just like everyday, the usual little group of Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia and Levy waited next to the their lockers as they waited for the rest of the group. Levy pulled a huge book out of her bag and opened to the page she had been at and took out the bookmark, holding it in her hand while her eyes sped across the page with interest.

Lucy had pulled out her lunch box and was munching away at the ready cooked meal that her father's maid, Virgo had made for her. Juvia was pondering over her not so secret crush who she had started to crush on since she bumped into him in primary and then transferred to the Fairy tutor group after the Phantom tutor group had been disbanded once the tutor teacher, Jose had been fired because he had started a fight between the two tutor groups.

Meanwhile Natsu and Gray were fighting over which of their favourite things was better, ice or hot sauce. While the five waited for their friends to come, two of the most feared kids in the school walked past them. Gajeel and Starlight Redfox. Just like Juvia the two were part of the Phantom  tutor group until it was disbanded and then they also were transferred into the Fairy tutor group but they don't really get along with anyone. They are like the school's rebels. Never giving in their homework, always getting into fights and picking on those weaker than themselves and always ending up with lunch and after school detention.

The moment the two walked past they didn't even make eye contact but then the bottle of hot sauce which Gray had knocked out of Natsu's hand hit the side of Gajeel's face, and had a slight tear in the bottle from being hit into a locker with Natsu's hand.

The hot sauce that escaped from the opening in the bottle was now stained across the right side of Gajeel's face, dripping right down from his hairline and all the way down to the bottom of his face where it had stained, looking like blood was dripping from a wound on his head. The hot sauce also left little stains of red on the white shirt which Gajeel was wearing messily, the dark navy blue tie with the school's logo on it which wasn't tied properly and looked a mess, and the black blazer which wasn't even fastened.

Gajeel got extremely mad at this and turned to the two boys who were holding each others hair while looking at the twins. Gajeel's snake like crimson red eyes slitted even more and he took a few steps closer before punching the two males in the faces.

Natsu recovered as fast as Gajeel had punched him and leapt onto his feet before returning the punch at Gajeel who raised his fist and caught the pink haired male's fist. Gray went to sneak up behind the black haired male but only slipped on the ice which was now spread out on the floor from when Gray got punched.

Gray then fell right on top of Starlight who had been laughing her head off at Natsu and Gajeel's fight. While this was happening, Yukino, Sting and Rogue walked down the corridor towards their friends.

The moment Gray and Starlight hit the ground Juvia growled, her eyes flashing with anger at the black haired student who she assumed was another love rival in a battle to win over her beloved Gray-sama.

Starlight opened her eyes as fast as lighting before narrowing them at the raven haired male that had fell on top of her. She balled her hand into a fist and punched him in the face and then gave him a good, strong kick to the stomach, sending him flying into Levy who fell onto her butt.

The moment Levy made contact with Gray, she let go off her book which headed straight to the three new comers. The book landed flat onto Rogue's face causing him to lose his balance due to the unexpectedness of the book's weight.

The mostly emotionless student fell over, bumping into Sting, who bumped into Yukino as the three collapsed onto the marble floor. Gajeel, Starlight, Natsu and Gray were now in a heated battle, which involved punching and kicking. Natsu was attacking any of his three rivals and the same was for Gray but the Redfox twins only attacked Gray or Natsu and even helped each other out.

Erza and Jellal then walked down from the same direction as Sting, Rogue and Yukino. Erza seeing the fight rushed over and tried to stop them, shouting in a loud, firm voice but when that didn't work she ended up joining in the fight, throwing attacks at all four of them.

Natsu was hit backwards, ramming right into Lucy. In shock Lucy dropped her lunch which fell onto the floor and her left arm was hit extremely hard into one of the metal locker doors.

Jellal on the other hand tripped over Sting and landed on the floor right next to all three of them, who didn't get up due to pain from the impact of landing on the floor.

Then footsteps echoed throughout the hallway. Everyone turned to face who was walking down the corridor. Lucy was rubbing her arm in pain, Yukino, Sting, Rogue and Jellal looked up from the floor and finally started to sit up. Levy rubbed her back which had hit off of the locker when she fell, Juvia was death glaring her new 'love rival. Erza was holding onto Gray and Starlight's hair who had looked like they were in pain and Natsu and Gajeel were both pulling on each others hair.

The person who stood in front of them was none other than one of the teachers. Mr Laxus Dreyar. "Well, well, well what do we have here. Are all of you fighting in the halls." Mr Dreyar said, shaking his head and putting a hand onto his forehead. "I'm sorry to say this but these are the rules. All of you report to Deputy Head Makarov. NOW!" Mr Dreyar said, shouting out the last part.

Everyone grabbed their things and those who were on the ground, got up with a little help and all of them seemed to be dragging their feet in shame to the deputy head's office. Everyone except Gajeel and Starlight who looked like they didn't even Fucking care but that was natural for them since they got sent to the deputy head's and even the head master's office most likely daily.

Levy's pov

I stuffed my book back into my bag before swinging my backpack onto my back. I continued walking guiltily towards deputy head Makarov's office with my friends.

When we arrived, Erza stepped forward and knocked on the door. "Come in"the deep voice of Makarov boomed through the door and Erza slowly pushed the door open.

We all filled into the room and stood in front of the desk that was placed in the middle of the room. The large chair that sat behind the desk, spun around to reveal Deputy Head Makarov sitting in his high up desk chair.

"What did you do" he asked, placing his hands together on the desk. "We got into a fight" Natsu replied, fixing the scarf that he wore around his neck.

"Seriously, I would understand Natsu and Gray and even the two Redfox's but all of you" Makarov questioned, his hand now rubbing on his nose. "Since you broke school rules, I'm going to have t- Please tell me that isn't blood" Makarov started before trailing off after looking over at Gajeel and Starlight.

I turned around to see Gajeel and Starlight standing next to the wall. "What this, no, its Salamander's hot sauce" Gajeel replied in his deep, scary voice.

Makarov sighed before bending down to get something. When he came back up, he threw a towel at Gajeel who wiped the hot sauce off of his face.

"As I was saying, since you broke school rules in going to have to punish you. 2 months of after school detention" Makarov said.

"WHAT!" Everyone yelled. "Sir, I would gladly accept any punishment but you are putting us in detention with them" Erza questioned in shock before pointing at the Redfox twins and putting an emphasis on them.

"We have names, ya know" Starlight snarled, her sharp fangs showing. "I have made up my mind. All of you will go to Mr Dreyar's room once the bell rings, everyday, for 2 months. You are all dismissed" Makarov told us before shoeing us away.

'Detention. My first ever detention. I can't believe it' I thought

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