Chapter 13

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Rogue's pov

I lay in bed, cuddling Starlight when I heard whimpering sounds. I opened my eyes to see that she was whimpering in her sleep. I gently shook her shoulder to try and wake her up but she continued to whimper and started to shake a little.

"Starlight, wake up" I pleaded gently, shaking her shoulders a little harder. Suddenly she let out a blood curdling shriek and fell out of the bed. "Starlight" I yelled, rushing over to her as she was now having violent spasms. I tried to calm her down but whenever I tried to even lay a hand on her she would slap it away and curl up into a ball, the spasms continuing.

Abruptly, my father swung the door open with a panicked look plastered on his face. "What's going on. I heard screaming" he asked before spotting Starlight and bending down to see her. "Hey Starlight, are you OK" he asked, looking down at the frail female that was curled up on the floor.

"We should call a doctor. This is getting far too extreme" I told my father as he tried to calm down Starlight but to no avail. "That's a good idea" My dad pointed out before pulling out his phone and calling the hospital.

"Hello. Yes. I need a doctor over to my house. Someone is having some sort of spasm attack. Yeah. The address is 13 Magnolia drive. Yes. OK" he spoke before hanging up. Not long after, there was a loud knock on the front door and my father went to greet them.

He came back up with a male doctor who bent down with a bag and started to look at Starlight. She had started to get even worse. Her spasms were way more intense and she was whimpering. "Starlight, can you tell us what's wrong" I begged. "I refuse to tell you. Gajeel will come for me. I don't want to go to a mental asylum" she whispered with a whimper in her voice.

The doctor started trying to check Starlight who kept refusing anyone to lay a single finger on her. Lily had woken up during the commotion and had come over to see what was going on as he let out a deep meow.

The doctor went through his bag and brought out a needle and a bottle of liquid. He got some of the liquid into the needle and inserted it into Starlight's arm. After a few seconds she had suddenly calmed down and had fallen away to sleep again.

"What did you do" I asked, looking down at Starlight who had now calmed down and was sleeping peacefully. "She's just asleep. She should be fine when she wakes up. Take this incase this happens again" the doctor explained, handing dad a plastic bag with a few bottles of the liquid and a needle.

He led the doctor to the door as I picked Starlight up bridal style and placed her gently on the bed. I climbed in next to her and fiddled about with her hair for a bit before finally falling asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I grabbed onto it and opened it to see an alarm for lunch. I sighed and decided to send a message to Sting asking if he could bring over my homework. He didn't answer so I sent a message to Levy.

Do you think you could ask Sting to give me any homework our class gets, I would have asked him myself but my texts aren't going through.

I waited a few minutes before my phone vibrated. I checked it and read the text.

He said it's fine so yeah. Not sure if he has homework right now. Anyway how's Starlight

She's not in the best state. She fell asleep on me last night but woke up screaming during the night. My dad and I kept asking what was wrong and she was saying how she wouldn't say because she didn't want to be sent to a mental hospital and that she'd only tell Gajeel

I think Gajeel is similar. We got given homework in my class and when we got back to my house all he did was stare at the sheet with a pencil.

Maybe they rely on each other so much that when they are separated then it becomes harder for them to cope.

I'm going to go talk to Gajeel. I'll ask him about it

I placed my phone down before hearing the sound of running water. I sat up and noticed that Starlight was no longer in the bed. 'Oh crap. Don't tell me she's in the bathroom cutting herself again' I thought in panic.

I climbed out of bed and rushed to the bathroom before opening the door. My face dropped and tears built up in my eyes as I saw Starlight dragging a mirror shard over her arm. She had her crutch supporting her while she did this. I rushed over and wrapped my arms around her as we both fell to the floor. "Why did you do that" she asked, half in fear.

Starlight's pov

I looked at Rogue as he wrapped his arms around me. Blood dripped onto the floor from the cuts on my arm as I felt him shaking with his head leaned against me. "Rogue, why did you do that" I whispered.

He looked up at me and I saw tears building up in his blood red eyes. "Because I love you. I don't want to lose you" he cried, burying his head in my chest. 'I must have heard him wrong. Did he just say he loved me' I thought, not believing what I heard.

"W-w-what did you just say" I asked nervously. "I said that I love you. I don't want you to be hurting yourself. It hurts me emotionally when I see you like that" he replied, still crying.

"When you say love. You mean like a crush" I asked,looking down at the short haired blackette. "Well yeah. I think your very cute. Especially when your flustered" he replied, looking at me. I felt my cheeks heat up as he said this. "Please don't hurt yourself anymore" he pleaded. I nodded in response.

"How would you feel about going on a date with me" Rogue asked as I stared at him in shock. "It's alright if you say no. I won't be offended" he added,noticing my shocked look. "Yes" I responded. "Wait what" he looked at me with confusion. "Yes, I will go on a date with you" I repeated, feeling more happy then I've ever been since my mother died.

Rogue started getting really happy as I started to bandage up my arm. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out, noticing that I had a message from Gajeel.

I just asked Levy out

Really well I just got asked out by Rogue

I stopped getting replies after that before Rogue turned to me. "How would you feel about a double date with Gajeel and Levy" he asked. "I'm fine with that" I replied with a smile that was actually real for the first time in years.

Hey guys, sorry I didn't update for 2 weeks but I basically was just being lazy. I have 2 more chapters planned for today but they will be the last two of this book as I am finishing this book off. But I do have another one that I will publish so don't worry.

Fairy Tail: Fiora Academy (Gale and Rolight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now