Chapter 8

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Levy's pov

It had been 4 days since we had confronted Starlight and Gajeel and neither of them had come to school. Rogue and I had decided to go to Deputy head Makarov. I looked at Rogue who nodded as I knocked on the door. A gruff "Come in" as both of us entered. 

Professor Laxus was talking with Makarov as we entered. "Ah Mr Cheney and Miss Mcgarden. What is the reason of you two being here" He asked. "We came to tell you something" Rogue replied quickly. "And what would that be" he asked. "We think that we know why Starlight and Gajeel are off but we would like to go to they're house with a teacher" I explained. 

"Alright, Laxus and I will come with you to see what's going on as I am getting worried myself" Makarov replied as he got out his chair and we all walked out of the school and over to Starlight and Gajeel's house. 

Laxus knocked on the door then stepped back as the door opened a little to reveal Metalicana. "What" he asked looking at us. "Professor Laxus of Fiora Academy and Deputy head Makarov. We're here about your son and daughter Starlight and Gajeel Redfox" Laxus explained as he looked at the male. 

"You can't come in" he replied going to shut the door but Laxus jammed it with his foot. "I do believe that we are allowed to check on your children if we wish so you will let us in" Laxus spoke, pushing the door back allowing everyone to enter. 

The moment I stepped into the house, the strong scent of alcohol drifted to my nose as I scrunched it up to block the smell. Makarov and Laxus then walked into the living room as Rogue and I followed. "Someone in this household obviously drinks seeing there is bottles all around this room and the stench of booze is very strong" Makarov explained. 

"There is also blood on the ground over here" Rogue spoke up as he pointed at the carpet. Suddenly a black and white cat with rounded ears and a scar over one eye ran into the room and started meowing up at me. "Where did that creature come from" Metalicana yelled as the tom hissed, arching his back and fluffing up his fur.

He then ran out of the room and stood at the doorway meowing. "I think he wants us to follow him" Rogue spoke as we all followed the cat up the stairs. He went into a door that was open a little as Laxus opened the door and we all walked in. Two beds were in the middle of the room and it looked like there were people under the covers. 

The cat meowed and leapt onto one of the beds and started pawing at the covers and kept looking back at us. I walked over as the cat meowed and continued to paw at the covers. I looked at the others before removing the covers only to gasp and cover my mouth from shock. 

Gajeel was the one that was under the covers but he was covered in injuries that had blood dripping down and he was unconscious and I could barely hear his breathing. "Mr Redfox, can you explain what happened to your son" Makarov asked as Rogue walked over to the other bed and removed the covers to reveal Starlight in a similar state to Gajeel. 

Metalicana didn't reply before Rogue turned to the cat. "Do you know what happened here" he asked as the cat meowed and ran over to Metalicana and pointed at him with his tail. "I'm calling an ambulance and the police" Laxus announced as he held his phone to his ear and talked to the hospital then the police. 

After a while, I could hear the sound of sirens and then a couple of medics and the police came in. The medics took Gajeel and Starlight while the police handcuffed Metalicana. "Mr Redfox, you are under arrest for alcoholism and child abuse" one of the police told him as they led him out of the house. 

Rogue then went to pick up the cat but it struggled out of his grasp ad ran to the side of one of the beds. "I think there is something under there that he wants" I spoke as Rogue kneeled down and used the torch on his phone to look around under the bed. "There's another cat under here............... And I think she's pregnant" Rogue spoke as he put his hand under the bed.

"Here girl. I'm not going to hurt you" Rogue spoke softly as a cat slowly walked forward. It was a bright red she-cat with yellow paws, ears and tail tip and she was definitely expecting kittens. Rogue gently picked her up as the tom hissed and fluffed up his fur. I then picked him up and showed that the female cat was just fine.

He seemed to calm down as Deputy head Makarov told us that we should go home and stay off school for a couple of days to try and calm down from the shock of all this. Rogue invited me over to his house as we took the two cats up to his room and got them settled.

I started to worry about how Gajeel was but I knew I wouldn't be able to see him for a while. "Do you think you could stay over. I kinda don't want to be alone tonight" Rogue asked. "Ok" I replied as he pulled out a spare mattress from under his bed.

After dinner I settled down in the mattress in a pair of PJ's that I had borrowed from Rogue as he lay in his bed, cuddling with Frosch. I sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep with my mind on Gajeel.  

Fairy Tail: Fiora Academy (Gale and Rolight Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora