Chapter 2

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Rogue's Pov

I sat in history as Professor Gildarts yammered on about the Romans. Sting was falling asleep next to me from boredom. I started to do some random doodles in my history jotter from boredom.

I looked up at the clock to see that the hands were 2 minutes away from the 3:50 mark. 'Goody, 2 minutes till detention' I thought sarcastically.

I let myself zone out for the last two minutes before being snapped out of my zone by the bell. I looked over at Sting who had woken due to the loudness of the bell. I packed my pencils into my bag and swung it over my shoulder with a sigh.

I walked over to Yukino as she finished packing up her stuff. Sting walked over with a fake smile plastered on his face before it dropped. "I can't believe we've got detention" Yukino complained.

"I know right. We didn't do anything" Sting added gesturing to the three of us. "Well we have it so let's deal with it. The sooner we get there the sooner we can leave" I replied to both of them and continued to walk along the corridor.

We finally reached Professor Laxus' room and pushed the door open. Professor Laxus was talking with the school cook and shipper Miss Mirajane who also happened to be Laxus' soon to be wife.

Natsu was sitting near a window with Lucy right next to him. Juvia and Gray sat in front of the two and Erza and Jellal Sat in the table next to Juvia and Gray. Levy Sat in the table next to Lucy and Natsu. Sitting in the table on the other side of Levy's table was of course Gajeel and Starlight who were just talking with one another.

"Mr Eucliffe, Mr Cheney and Miss Agria. Your finally here now I can go over the rules of detention" Professor Laxus spoke in his teacher voice as Miss Mira left the room.

I sat down next to Levy as Sting and Yukino Sat behind me. "Rule Number 1. No Phones or electronics allowed so hand them over" Professor Laxus instructed as we all took out our phones and any other electronics and placed them on the table.

Professor Laxus came around with a tub and put all the electronics in it before coming to the two Redfox's. "The two of you know the rest better than anyone in this school now hand them over" Laxus ordered in a much harsher tone.

"Oh we're so scared" Gajeel laughed swinging back on his chair with his hands behind his head. Professor Laxus was getting really angry now and slammed his hand down on the table. "I'm not playing games with the two of you so hand them over" Laxus ordered with a very harsh tone.

"Anger issues much. Maybe you should go to anger management class" Starlight laughed before the two of them got a hard stare from Professor Laxus. The two rolled they're eyes before tossing they're phones and other electronics into the tub.

Professor Laxus walked back to his desk and put the tub in a drawer. "Rule number 2. You are not allowed to do homework of any kind and lastly rule number 3. You are not to talk a single word at all unless you put your hand up and are asking a question" Professor Laxus explained and sat down at his seat.

I sighed and pulled a book out of my bag. I took out the bookmark and started reading from where I was.

After a couple of minutes, I felt something hit the side of my head. I turned to the floor to see a scrunched up piece of paper lying on the ground next to me. I looked up with an emotionless face at the only two people that could have thrown the piece of paper and I was right.

The two Redfox's were snickering with each other and a notebook with a page torn out was lying on the desk. I sighed and went back to reading before something else hit my head.

I turned back to the floor irritated and saw a rubber lying on the ground next to the piece of paper. I growled quietly and turned back to my book hoping the two biggest jerks that I knew wouldn't keep bothering me.

Time skip

I finally arrived home as my father was placing stuff on the table. "Rogue your home. What took you so long" he asked. "I got stupid detention" I muttered in reply, stuffing my hands into my pockets and looking at my feet.

"Well I just finished making dinner so we can talk about it while we eat and don't worry I've already given Frosch his dinner" my father spoke and Sat down at the table.

I sat down in my usual seat, across from my father as I picked up the knife and fork and started to eat my dinner. "So how did you get detention" my father asked.

"I got it for fighting but it wasn't me fighting. It was Natsu, Gray Erza and the two Redfox's. I just got hit in the face with a book and fell" I replied with a sigh.

"Well at least you weren't the one fighting. You know how I feel about you getting into fights with people. Remember what happened when you were younger and kept fighting with people because they called you Emo and crazy" My father explained. "Yeah I remember. I don't do that anymore but I'm stuck in detention with two of the worst people alive" I replied.

"And who are they" My father asked. "Starlight and Gajeel Redfox. They wouldn't stop annoying me during detention. Not to mention they never hand in homework and I feel like they are reincarnations of the devil" I replied, holding my head in my hands.

"I used to know someone that goes by that name. Metalicana Redfox. Haven't heard from him in years. In fact the last time I heard from him was before his wife died in a car crash" my father replied.

"Well these people aren't the same as this Metalicana person. They are so annoying" I complained. "Maybe they just seem that way. Try to get to know them. Maybe then you'll understand why they act this way" My father pointed out.

"Maybe I will but I most likely won't" I replied and continued to eat my dinner.

Hey everyone. I'm back with a new chapter for this story. Yay

I'm actually updating this every Friday but since I'm going to Germany next week and won't be back till late and when I say late I mean that I won't be getting back to my school until after 10pm and I live about 45 minutes away from the school by bus so I might not be able to update. So in case I can't I'm doing an extra chapter this week so that will be coming out very soon.

And if you want to know when I will be updating all of my stories then check out my Weekly Schedule book which is up already.

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