Chapter 3

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Be warned. There is lots of violence that might be a trigger to some readers in this chapter if you do read then your doing it at your own risk

Levy's Pov

I sat in the last class of the day which was French as I pulled out my French Homework. Professor Sol was walking around, taking in the homework when he finally got to the Redfox's.

"Mr and Miss Redfox, where is your homework" Sol asked in his French accent. "Didn't do it" the twins replied in unison. "Why not" Professor Sol asked. "Couldn't be bothered" Starlight replied with a smirk. "You will be getting detention after school. Again" Sol replied. "Already got an hour of it" Gajeel replied in a very cheeky tone while swinging in his chair. "Well then you'll get another hour of detention. In fact go to Head Teacher Makarov's office right now" Sol ordered, pointing at the door as the two got up and headed out the door.

Sol sighed and rubbed his temples before heading to the board and writing up today's lesson as I copied down what I was supposed to.

Time skip

Gajeel's Pov

I walked along the street towards the house with Starlight. I'd just done two hours of detention and I knew that someone wasn't going to be very happy about it.

I got to the door and took a gulp. I pushed open the door as the two of us walked in. The strong smell of alcohol flooded my nose and even though it was always lingering in the house, I still couldn't help but scrunch my nose up at the smell.

"We're home da- I mean Sir" I called as I walked into the living room, Starlight not far behind. Sitting in his usual spot on the couch was our father. He was holding a bottle of alcohol in one hand and the TV remote in the other as he flicked through the channels on the TV. Empty alcohol bottles littered the floor and coffee table.

Our father got up of the couch, dropping the remote but still holding the bottle as he walked over. "Where were the two of you" he asked, his breath filled with the stench of alcohol that was so strong that I was trying my best to not back away from the awful smell.

"We had a two hour detention afterschool" Starlight replied, clutching onto her trouser legs to prevent herself from shaking. "What have I told you. You know the rules in this house. You can't be late. You have all your chores and your job to do" He hissed, clutching his bottle even tighter.

"We're sorry Da- I mean Sir" I replied. He turned around and walked to the couch before stopping. "You think that I would just accept this, well your wrong" He yelled, spinning around on his heels. He clutched the bottle even harder, his eyes narrowed before he chucked the bottle, hitting me right in the chest.

Blood stained my shirt as I clutched the area that the bottle had hit, while kneeling down a little. Your both a disgrace" he yelled again, grabbing a bottle from the table and throwing it at Starlight, hitting her on the head.

"I don't know why I even helped your mother give birth to a couple of disgusting worms like you" he snarled. "Now go get ready for your job" he added.

I slowly got up and helped Starlight up before walking out the room. We walked upstairs and into our bedroom. I went over to my bedside cabinet and took out the first aid kit we had.

I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, looking at the fresh wound that had been made in my chest. Glass was sticking out of it and the whole thing stung of alcohol. Starlight wasn't any better, underneath her bandanna was a wound similar to mine which also had glass in it.

"Mrrow" a deep yet frightened meow came from under my bed. I bent down to see Lily and Phoenix curled up together under the bed, Lily protectively in front of Phoenix.

"It's OK. Dad's still down stairs" I told then as Lily slowly walked out, looking around before helping Phoenix out. I pulled the glass from my wound out as Lily looked up at me.

I rolled my eyes at the small cat as he turned to Phoenix. I bandaged up my wound after cleaning it out and Starlight did the same. "Hey Gajeel" Starlight spoke, bending down to stroke Phoenix and Lily. "Yeah" I replied.

"What if Dad finds out about Phoenix and Lily. Do you think he'd hurt them" she asked. "Most likely which is why we need to try and keep them a secret" I replied.

Lily and Phoenix had been a couple of stray cats that we had found on the streets 5 months ago. We had took them into the house by hiding them in our bags and sneaking them up to our rooms. Just 3 months ago, we had taken Phoenix to the vet because she hadn't been feeling to good and had found out that she was expecting kittens and it had started to show as Phoenix was putting on weight and if you looked at her you could probably guess that she was expecting kittens since she was getting a bit of a rounded stomach.

"I just hope we can still keep them a secret after the kittens are born" Starlight added as she stroked between Lily's ears who purred happily at the attention. Lily was always begging for attention from Starlight, I never understood why he was so attached to her but I didn't really do anything about it.

I walked over to my closet and took out my work uniform, changing into it and waited fro Starlight to change.

Once she was changed, we went to our secret fridge where we kept Lily and Phoenix's food and prepared they're normal. Kiwi's for Lily and a fruit mixture for Phoenix.

We set the bowls down under Starlight's bed where they're nest was since Starlight could sleep easily over the sound of them moving whole I could not so we decided to put them under her bed.

I walked out the room, Starlight not far behind and headed to our job. Sane old routine. Come home, if we had time do some of our chores, go to work, come back home at 9, do more chores and then go to bed at 11 maybe even 12.

We walked into the supermarket which is where we work. "I'll take the first till shift" Starlight told me and went to stand behind the till, luckily her uniform had a bandanna so she could hide the bandage on her forehead.

I went to the backroom but bumped into my boss Mr Connel. "Ah Gajeel you've come. I'm sorry but I need to go, I promised Bisca that I'd take her and Azuka out for dinner" Mr Connel explained.

"Whatever" I replied in my normal outside personality and went into the backroom, grabbing some boxes with stiff to out in the shelves.

I put some fruit into the fruit section which was bear the door when the automatic door opened up. A short blue haired girl with hazel brown eyes and a male around my height with short black hair with a fringe and blood red eyes walked in.

"Well if it isn't Raios and Shrimp" I pointed out, with a roll of my eyes. "Gajeel" they yelled in unison. "What are you doing here" Raios asked, his sharp fangs showing.

"What does it look like, I work here genius" I replied rudely. "Great if I knew that this Supermarket had you as a worker then I would have taken the bus to the next one" shrimp replied.

"Why don't you just go to the shop nearest yiu" I replied. "It closed down yesterday and both of us had to go food shopping and since we're nextdoor neighbours, we decided to do it together" Raios replied.

"I don't care about your stupid story" I replied, placing more food down where it goes. "Whatever" Shrimp rolled her eyes and walked away.

Truth was, I actually thought that Shrimp was hot but it wouldn't be a good idea for me to date anyone. Dad would be go mental if he found out we had two cats. If I had a girlfriend then it would be an even worse case.

I knew Starlight found Raios cute but she knows as well as I do that neither of us can date anyone.

I continued to do my job till it was finally 9pm. I went into Mr Conn's office and took the two envelopes of money and handed Starlight her envelope. We locked up the shop and headed back home to do more chores.

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