Chapter 10

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Gajeel's pov

I stormed through the school, refusing to be seen with a short pint. "Where's Starlight, I need to talk to her" I growled under my breath before spotting her.

Three boys were standing in front of her as she had a fresh cut across her face. I felt my blood boil and a growl escape through my lips. I balled my hands into fists before storming over and pinning one of the guys to the lockers. It was of course the leader and he just smirked at me.

"If it isn't the brother" he spoke in a taunting voice, a smirk still on his face. "Don't play cock, I'm still mad at you" I growled as the other two laughed. "You mean beating up your sister" the blond laughed as the brown haired boy and the ginger who was the leader laughed along with him.

I spared a glance at Starlight who was on the floor, tears running down her face which were stained with blood. I growled and threw the leader into the lockers hard as his head hit against them and blood stained his ginger hair.

"Gajeel" a female voice yelled as I looked behind me to see Levy standing there. Rogue had ran over to Starlight and was trying to comfort her as Levy looked at the guy in shock and ran over to him.

"Are you OK" she asked the ginger as his two friends smirked at me. I growled, barring my teeth as Levy was trying to stop his bleeding.

After she had finally stopped patching him up, she got up and spun on her heels to face me, although I could see she was standing on her tip toes. "Come with me" she growled before dragging me off, Rogue following with Starlight as he helped her stand.

We were taken into an empty classroom as Levy made me sit down. "I thought you were over beating people up" she spoke in an angry tone. "I will never forgive those jerks" I growled, facing away from her.

"What did they do to you" Levy asked, now starting to sound more hurt than angry. "It's not what they did to me it's what they did to Starlight" I replied, looking at Starlight who wasn't making eye contact with anyone.

Rogue was trying to comfort her, rubbing her back as she shook violently and sobs could be heard. "What did they do to her" Levy asked, sounding worried. "What didn't they do. They tortured her in every possible way for 3 years" I growled. I hated to bring up anything about my past, especially the parts that I wished to forget. But this, this was something that both of us wanted to forget.

"Wait, what" Rogue spoke up, looking between me and Starlight. I turned to Starlight as she looked at me, pain clear in her eyes. "Show them" I told her as she looked at me for a while before slowly nodding.

She removed her blazer and unbutton some of her shirt before lifting it up to reveal the many scars that littered her back. Both Levy and Rogue looked in complete shock as they looked at the many scars, all different shapes and sizes.

"I had no idea but how come I've never seen them do this before" Rogue asked, still trying to comfort Starlight. "Because they stopped but you've obviously made her soft again, that's why" I hissed, gesturing to Rogue who looked shocked.

"All I want to do is help Starlight become a better person" he yelled, obviously getting angry. "Well we don't need help, if you had just minded your own business then this wouldn't be happening" I growled standing up to face him.

"What made you think living with an alcoholic and abusive father was a good thing" he yelled also standing. "Its better then being an emo freak who doesn't know when he should just leave things be" I growled.

I clearly hit a nerve as Rogue gritted his teeth and balled his fists up, a couple of veins popping out. "How dare you" he yelled and launched at me as the two of us got into a fight.

Levy's pov

I watched as Rogue and Gajeel fought around in the classroom. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there watching. Suddenly the door slammed open as Starlight and I looked to see Professor Laxus and Miss Mirajane walk in.

"What is going on in here" Laxus yelled, noticing the fight. "Hey, cut it out" he added, trying to make the two black haired males quit fighting. Mira also tried to get them to stop but that didn't work so Laxus then had to pull them apart but they still tried to get to each other.

"That is enough, all of you to Deputy head Makarov's office, Now" he yelled, as we all headed to Makarov's office. I was helping Starlight who seemed to wobbly on her leg. I noticed that a bit of her trouser leg was ripped and her right leg's knee cap was in an odd position and was bloody and bruised.

We reached Makarov office and I knocked on the door, trying not to drop Starlight in the process. A gruff "come in" came through the door. I pushed the door open gently and walked in, seeing Makarov working on some paperwork.

"So what can I help you with" he asked before looking up and his jaw dropped. "What happened here" he asked. "Starlight got beat up by bullies, Gajeel tried to get revenge on them and then Rogue and Gajeel started fighting" I explained as Makarov sighed. "Levy, please take Starlight to the infirmary. I'm going to be having a word with these two" Makarov spoke as I nodded and walked out of his office.

I headed to the infirmary and was greeted by the friendly smile of our nurse, Grandenney. "Hello there Levy" she greeted before laying her eyes on Starlight.

Instantly, she leapt into action, gently helping Starlight to one of the beds and getting bandages. She washed away the blood from Starlight's face and then bandaged it up before more blood could come out.

She then went to her knee and cleaned that up before frowning. "I'm not sure what happened to your knee but I'm going to have to X-ray it. Stay here while I set up the X-ray" she explained and walked into the back.

"What happened to your knee" I asked, looking at her. She looked back at me with one eye since the other had the bandage over it even though the cut didn't go across her eyes it still went near them.

"When I was younger, I was being picked on by those boys again but this time I stood up to then and there was a huge fight. Someone called the police and because it looked like I was hurting them, the police shot me in the knee. I ran away, not stopping even when Gajeel called for me. Turns out that when I got shot in my knee, it damaged my knee cap and I had a dodgy knee for a few years but it still a isn't healed properly so it's like a weak spot for me" Starlight explained in a quite voice.

"I'm sorry, that sounds awful" I replied just as Grandenney walked in and took Starlight into the back. I sat in the chair I was in for a while, not knowing what was going on back there when the door opened to reveal Gajeel and Rogue.

"Did you get shouted at?" I asked all though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. Both of them nodded before I explained what was going on and all of us just sat and waited.

Fairy Tail: Fiora Academy (Gale and Rolight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now