Chapter 5

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Starlight's pov

I walked into school, hiding the bruises and cuts from last night. I had gotten slapped on my cheek and got hit with a bottle in the side of my stomach after taking the beating from Gajeel.

I didn't want him to get hurt so I let our father hurt me instead but he's done the same for me so it's not a big deal. I continued to walk towards my tutor group which was the Saber tutor group when I looked at my phone

I had a few minutes before the bell so I walked into the bathroom. I looked around to see if anyone was there before going into my bag and pulling out the small wooden box I always carry around.

I opened it up and pulled out one of the mirror shards. I rolled up my sleeves and did what I always did when I had the chance. Cut my skin. No one knew that I did this. Not even Gajeel.

He thought that the cuts were from our father so I always got away with it. I did this a few times, immune to the pain while the blood dropped into the sink. Once the bell rang, I rinsed away the blood in the sink and on my arm as well as on the mirror shard and put the box back in my back.

I rolled my sleeve down and swung my back onto my back before walking out of the bathroom. I was about to enter my tutor class when the speakers went off.

"Will Gajeel and Starlight Redfox please report to deputy head Makarov's office" someone spoke. "What did I do now" I asked myself as I walked over to the deputy head's office.

I opened the door and saw Gajeel sitting in one of the chairs in front of Makarov's desk and Rogue and Levy were standing at the side, not making eye contact. I gulped and walked forward, sitting down in the other chair and looked at the deputy head.

"I have been told that you went and bought alcohol from a local booze shop, is this true" Makarov asked. I panicked, how did he find out. There's no way he should know.

Gajeel seemed to be in a similar state as me since he didn't respond but I noticed that his hands were shaking. The room was silent for quite a while before Gajeel finally spoke up. "Yes we did, we bought Booze and used a fake license"

He wasn't lying though, we did use fake licenses. It was useful to be tall because then you can pass off as a 18 year old when your actually 15. "I'm sorry but this is not allowed, you've done stuff in the past but this is unacceptable. I'm going to have to call your father" Makarov explained.

"No don't" I yelled, slapping his hand as he reached for the phone. "Muss Redfox, this kind of behaviour is not tolerable in this school, your lucky I don't suspend you" Makarov raised his voice, standing up in his chair with his hands on the desk.

"Mr Redfox, Mr Cheney and Miss Mcgarden, you are free to go. Miss Redfox, stay here but Gajeel, lunch time detention" Makarov spoke as the three left, Gajeel with his head low.

I gulped, knowing I was in for it. I had never been with any of the teachers without Gajeel before and I didn't know what to do. "So you think it is acceptable to not only raise your hand to a teacher but also tell them what to do" Makarov asked.

I just looked down at my hands, not making eye contact but I could feel his gaze burning into me like he was staring into my soul. I didn't respond and Makarov spoke again. "Well, do you"

I shook my head, my hands trembling. "Sit over there and do 100 lines and you will also have lunch time detention" Makarov told me. I sighed and sat down at the table and started copying out the line 'I will not order around or raise my hand to a teacher'

I didn't finish the lines until break and when Makarov finally excused me, I found Rogue waiting outside his office. I tried to walk away and act like I hadn't seen him but he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back.

I winced at the pain as he pulled me back and I noticed that my shirt sleeve had splotched blood on it. Rogue was about to say something before he noticed my shirt sleeve and pulled it up. The moment his eyes lay on my scars, they opened wide before he looked up at me again.

He was about to say something again but I panicked and slapped him across the face. I took my hand out of his grip and rolled down my sleeve once again, rushing to the bathroom.

I ran into one of the stalls and looked it, sitting in there. I pulled my knees up to my chest and silently cried into them. 'My entire life was a mess. I can't believe Rogue saw my arm' I thought as my trousers became wet from my tears.

I grabbed the box again and dragged the blade across my arm once again, as fresh tears fell onto the cuts, causing them to sting. I continued to do this for what seemed like hours but I knew it was third period because the bell had rang but I didn't want to go to class.

I just wanted to stay here I until shool ends and no one else was in the school but the teachers. I don't care if I get punished by my father, so long as I didn't need to see people's faces when they find out about my arms.

In fact I did stay there till the end of the day, I didn't even go to detention. I didn't want to see Rogue's face. I knew he hated me because I was always so mean to him but that didn't change my feelings towards him and the way he looked at me after seeing my arms. I didn't want to see that again.

I didn't k ow what time it was when the door of the bathroom was knocked. "Starlight, are you in there. It's 5 o'clock and dad's going to be really angry if we don't get home soon" Gajeel called.

I quickly made sure there was no blood on my shirt and my cuts were clean before I pulled down my shirt and grabbed my bag. I wiped away any left over tears and walked out of the bathroom as Gajeel and I headed home

Fairy Tail: Fiora Academy (Gale and Rolight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now