Chapter 4

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Rogue's pov

I sat in science class, reading the science book as Professor Porlyusica sat at the front, typing on her computer. No one dared to annoy Professor Porlyusica since she could get very angry at times. I heard some snickering from somewhere at the front of the class and saw Starlight and Gajeel laughing and talking.

Porlyusica turned to them and started talking to them before ordering for them to go outside. My mind went back to what my father had said. 'Maybe they just seem that way. Try to get to know them. Maybe then you'll understand why they act this way' my father's words echoed in my mind. 'I guess I could talk to them after class' I thought before giving a sigh.

The bell rang as everyone packed up there things and headed out for snack. I walked over to the two of them and gulped before speaking. "Hey" I greeted as the two looked at me. "Your that weird emo guy right. Why you taking to us" Gajeel asked with a little shock but mostly poison in his voice.

I tried to compress my anger at being called emo and continued to talk "Your father is Metalicana Redfox correct" I asked, both flinched the moment I said this which confused me. Why would they flinch when all I was doing was asking about they're father. "Yeah what about it" Starlight asked.

"Well my dad said he knows him so I thought maybe you might wanna hang out or something" I replied. "Yeah right. Like we'd hangout with an emo" Gajeel replied before walking. Starlight looked at me, to the door, back to me, back to the door then back to me before swinging her bag over her shoulder and walking out the door. I sighed before going to meet my friends. 

Time skip

I dumped my bag down on the benches in the changing room and took out my gym clothes as I unbuttoned my shirt to change. I couldn't help but glance over at Gajeel and noticed that he had a bandage wrapped around his chest. "Hey Sting" I whispered nudging as he removed his shirt. "What is it" he asked as I nodded my head towards Gajeel. He looked at me in complete confusion and raised an eyebrow while face-palming. 

I then gestured over to Gajeel with my hand and he made an O shape with his mouth as he spotted the bandages. "What happened" he whisper asked. "How am I supposed to know" I replied as we walked out of the changing room since we were finished.

I stood next to Sting when Lucy,  Yukino and Levy walked over with a bit of a confused face. "What's wrong" Sting asked. "We saw Starlight changing and she had a bandage around her forehead" Yukino replied. 

"Seriously, we saw Gajeel with bandages over his chest" I replied as they looked shocked. Professor Jiemma walked into the gym and yelled at us to do 20 laps as everyone ran around the gym.

Time skip 

I walked with Levy along the road when I spotted Starlight and Gajeel walk into a booze shop. I stopped walking and looked across the street wondering if I had just mistaken a random person for them but to my horror, I saw them walk back out with bags that had the booze in it. 

"Rogue what's wrong" Levy asked once she noticed my horrified face. "Look" I replied, pointing at the Redfox's but not looking away. I then heard a gasp from Levy as she asked "is that booze" I just nodded. I knew that tomorrow, I would tell Deputy head Makarov about this for sure.


Sorry its short but people really did want me to update and I had some of this chapter waiting in draft form so I just decided to finish it off. Hope you enjoy

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