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I woke up the next morning, and yawned loudly. I thought about the night before, and I felt my lips. I kissed Kakashi Hatake.

I stood up and hopped into the shower to start my day. Once I finished my shower and got dressed, and the rest of my morning routine, I set out to my kitchen to get breakfast.

I grabbed the carton of milk and pour myself a glass. Then I grab a snack to eat on my way to training.

I head out of my door and I get a vibe. I feel a bad presence. I turn and look, but I don't see anyone.

I continue walking with my guard up. Once I reach the streets, I feel someone coming behind me. I turn and see Naruto.

"Naruto, damn! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I say, holding my chest.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, blushing. I smile at him and he walks with me. "It's fine Naruto. Did you need me for something?"

"Yeah, actually. Kakashi Sensei sent me to find you. He wants you to help us train with him." He said, looking up at me. I think for a second.

"Sure, you lead the way." I say and he jumps up. I follow behind him closely. He leads me over the buildings and through the trees. Then the trees lead to an opening and I see his silver locks standing there with Sakura and Sasuke.

Naruto and I jump down. "Hey, Kakashi Sensei! I got her!" Naruto said happily.

Kakashi smiled. "Good work Naruto." I walk over to him and the kids. "Why is she here? She's just going to get in the way." Sasuke snapped, crossing his arms. "Hm. Looks like you haven't done your reading." Kakashi said, chuckling. Sasuke looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Alanah is one of the most powerful ninja in this village. She was born with a great power." Kakashi said, glancing at me. I put my hands on my hips. "Hm." Sasuke stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Well, where do we start?" I ask, excited.


After a while of training, we all sit down for lunch. The kids open their boxed lunches and Kakashi and I both hold our stomachs. Mine growls. "I-I think I'm going to grab some lunch. Do you want me to get you something?" Kakashi walked next to me. "I'll go with you."

We both start walking towards the town. "Hey, where are you going?" Sakura yelled out. "Just getting some lunch, be right back!" Kakashi yelled back. Once we made it to the village, we walked into a small market. I grab what I want and so does Kakashi. "So, can we talk about last night?" I ask him. He jumps up and I follow, he's sitting on a tree branch.

"What about last night?" He asked. "We kissed.." I say. He looks at me. "Yes, your point?"

"Why did you?" I ask. He sighed and pulled his mask down to eat. We don't look at each other while we eat. "I just wanted to." he said, crumpling his paper bag and standing up. I finish my food and follow him back to the designated training spot. After a couple minutes, I feel the same bad presence from earlier. I look everywhere and see nobody. Maybe they're hiding.

"Is everything okay?" Naruto asked, worried. I suddenly feel a great pain in my head. I drop to my knees. It was a piercing noise inside my head, and I couldn't open my eyes. I cry out in pain and it stops. I try to catch my breath and Kakashi kneels down next to me. "Alanah, what's wrong?"

"I heard a noise.. Inside my head. It was unbearable." I say, holding my head. He held my head for me and layed me back. "You're bleeding from your mouth." Kakashi said. "I-I feel fine." I stutter. He picks me up and says to the kids, "I'm taking Alanah to my home. I know how to help. You go search for her comrades."

Sakura and Naruto run off, then Sasuke goes in a different direction. Kakashi runs off with me in his arms. "I don't know what could've caused this, but you need to rest. My place is closer."

After we get there he carries me to his bed. "Once again, you're saving me." I mutter and he wipes my mouth with a wet cloth. "Why does it bother you?" he asked, brushing the hair out of my face. "I'm tired of everyone carrying my weight. Literally." I say. He chuckled and shook his head. "You're just a little weak from that experience. You'll be okay."

"Kakashi.." I said. He looked at me. "What are you hiding behind that mask?" I ask him. He smiles. "You'll find out soon enough. Get some rest. I'll bring some of your things over here from your house."

With that, he closed my door and within minutes I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning to Kakashi snuggled next to me. I felt something heavy across my waist, and it was his arm. I look at his arm and it's so muscular. My movements must have woke Kakashi up, because he woke up right after me. "Morning." he said, removing his hand from my waist. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Morning." I say.

"I brought your toothbrush, and I figured you'd want to take a shower here, so I brought some of your toiletries. I also had Murasaki bring a fresh pair of your clothes. Just in case." Kakash stood up and he was shirtless. My eyes graze across his sculpted body. "Oh my god." I mutter, and Kakashi looked at me. "Something wrong?"

I shake my head. "N-no." I hear him snicker. He grabs a pair of clothes for him to wear and sets them on the dresser. I look down at my clothes I was currently wearing. It was a completely oversized t shirt and my panties. "D-did you change me?"

"No, Murasaki did." He said, then went to get in the shower. I hop out of the bed and walk towards the window. I hear a knock at the door and I run to see who it is. I look in the door hole and it's Naruto and Sakura. But Naruto looked through the hole as well and saw my eye. "Come on, I know you're in there! I saw your eye!"

I open the door and peek my head over it. "Um.. Hey Naruto." I try to hide the fact I'm in Kakashi's shirt. He bursts into the room and sees me without pants on. I blush and Sakura giggles. "One sec." I run into Kakashi's room and grab my pants from yesterday. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, walking out of the room. "We came to see if you're okay." Naruto scratched his head awkwardly. Sakura handed me flowers. I hugged both of them. "Thank you guys."

"Alanah? Who's here?" Kakashi walked out with a towel around his waist and his face mask on. "Um.. Kakashi Sensei?" Sakura said, blushing. He saw them and blushed, then ran into his room and closed the door.

We all giggled. Kakashi walked out and chuckled. "Hey guys, what are you two doing here?"

"We came to see Alanah." I stand and sigh. "I'm going to get in the shower, don't leave without me." I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my soaps.

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