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I woke up, tied to a bed. It's dark.. And I hear orochimaru's skin crawling chuckle along with Kabutos creepy laugh. I look in the corner and they walk in through the door.

I'm also... Naked.

"Let me out of here!" I yell, wriggling from the right hold of the chain. It had someone's chakra holding it together, making it impossible for me to break apart. Kabuto walks next to me and orochimaru stands at the foot of the bed.

Kabuto runs his fingers down my bare body, I scream. "Let me out of here!"

"Alanah!" Kakashi yells, waking me up from my dream. I sit up quickly and look over at him. I have tears dripping down my face.

I start crying. "Oh, God. It's just a dream." I sob. He wraps his muscular arms around me. "It's okay. You're okay." He cooed, holding me in his chest. I calm down a little, and look at Kakashi. He has a worrisome face. "Do you mind telling me what's making you so upset?" He asked.

"My ex boyfriend... He's here. I've been getting these bad feelings. Like there's a bad presence. And I haven't been able to see him. But today, in the grocery store, I saw him. His face appeared on the cashiers." I say, shivering at the thought.

"Who's your ex?" He asked me. "Kabuto. He's with orochimaru." I say, sniffling.

His face had a hardened expression, and I hug him tightly. "What's wrong with your ex?"

"He tried to force me to have sex with him. And he used to abuse me when I was weak." I confess. His jaw clenched, and he kisses me.

"I won't let anything happen to you, got it?" He said. I nod. "I know."


I was walking down the street with Sakura, when I felt a bad presence heading towards us. I stop when someone jumps in front of us. "Kabuto!" I gasp, stepping back.

Sakura put her arm on my shoulder. "Alanah! What's wrong?" She asked. Kabuto snickered.

"Hello, my precious. It's been a while." He stepped towards me. "Get away from me!" I shout, building up chakra in my right arm.

Once I build it up enough, I punch him in the face as hard as I could. He flew far, but he still got right back up. "I see your powers have improved. But so have mine. It's going to take more than those powers of yours to stop me from getting what I want." He started running towards me.

I froze. Old memories came back to me. I couldn't move. What's happening? Once Kabuto reaches me, I flinch. But he never hits me. Instead, I hear a loud thud.

I open my eyes and see Kakashi had just kicked him square in the face. "Kakashi!" I gasp.

His eyes never leave Kabuto. "Leave her alone, Kabuto." His voice deepened. Kabuto laughed. "Just because you got inside of her, doesn't mean you have to protect her, Kakashi."

"I didn't come to fight. But I will be back." Kabuto jumped off and vanished. I felt the same piercing noise as the other day, it was worse. "Ahh!" I scream, and I start to faint.

The last thing I remember is falling into Kakashi's arms.


I opened my eyes to see a blonde woman, with brown eyes and wow.. Huge tits. "I was wondering when you'd wake up." she wrote something down on a piece of paper. I looked around and we were the only two in the room. "Where's Kakashi?" I ask. She giggles. "You haven't had any visitors since you came in. You've been in critical, and Kakashi specifically requested that you didn't have any." I try to sit up, but I fall back down. "You mustn't move. Your body is still much too weak." she lays me back down.

"I know about your powers," she began, setting down her clipboard. I gasp. "You do?" I ask. She nods and sits next to me. "You've been hearing deadly sounds lately, correct?" she asked. "Yes, I have." She sighed. "Well, nobody is necessarily doing that to you. Whenever there is a person of great evil approaching, your body reacts that way. I had an old friend who was that way, too." she gave me a small smile. I look at her. "So, an enemy didn't make those noises? My powers did?"

She nodded. "You're in here because you are just now unlocking this form of your power, and your body isn't used to it. Once you've recovered this time, it should be the last time those noises in your head sent you here." the lady said. I nod. It does make sense. "I'm Tsunade, by the way." she smiled and exited the room. I look up at the ceiling. I hear a loud thump and I look at the window. "Naruto!" I whisper/yell. He giggles and steps down from the window. "Hey Alanah! Just checking in. They wouldn't let me in through the front desk." he looked at me.

"Gosh, you look torn up." he said with a serious expression. "Gee, thanks. But Naruto, you need to leave! They didn't let you up here for a reason. I don't want you in trouble." Then, the door opened. It was Murasaki and Kin, and Tsunade. "NARUTO!" Tsunade yelled, then Naruto jumped out of the window. "Oh, Alanah! What's with you lately?" Murasaki ran towards me. I sighed. "Just some internal things going on."

A couple of minutes later, Kakashi walked in with a huge bouquet of roses. Everyone turned around and Kin smirked at me. I bit the inside of my cheek to try and hide my smile. "Oh. I didn't know you guys would be here." he smiled awkwardly. I giggle and he walks over to me. "I brought these for you." he smiled. "I'll go get a vase for them." Tsunade smiled. Kakashi sat in a chair and scooted it closer to me. "How are you feeling?" he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'm fine. I should be out of here soon." I say. He rubs his thumb on my hand, lovingly.

"That's good." he smiled. "So, what's the deal with this?" Murasaki pointed to our hands. Kakashi looked at me. "I mean.. Uh." I start. "What do you mean?" he said, chuckling. I could just tell he was blushing. "C'mon, you two. It's obvious you hooked up." Kin was leaning against the wall, smirking. I blushed, my face was so red. Kakashi got wide eyed. "Uh.. Well.. We did." he smiled shyly. I giggle and cover my mouth with my hand. Then the doctor walked in.

"Well, Alanah, your body is healing fast, as always. But you should be careful. You've been in here quite a bit." Tsunade walked in afterwards with a vase. "Thank you, doc. And thank you, Tsunade. When will I be able to leave?"

"Once you're able to move your body as much as normal." Tsunade smiled. Then she left. So did the doctor. "Have you had any bad warnings?" Kakashi asked me. I shake my head. "No, how long have I been in here?" I ask. "Two days." he answers. I sit up and I notice it was easier than earlier. "Check me out of here, Kakashi." I say.

He smiles and leaves to do so.

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