Anger Issues

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You had woken up with a migraine this morning and so you'd decided not to go to work and to stay in bed instead.  Most of your day had been spent asleep, but (much to your annoyance) you were woken up to the sound of the front door slamming.

Rolling over to check the time, you saw it was only 2.30pm, and that Leonard shouldn't be back from work yet. For a moment, you thought someone was breaking in, but you realised when you heard the voice that it was unmistakably Leonard's. After a while, you realised that he was talking to someone, and it was pretty likely he didn't know you were there.

Deciding it best to stay put (partly because you didn't want to invade his privacy and partly because you didn't feel like moving) you closed your eyes again, but listened to what the two men were talking about. Since they were only a room away, you could make out what they were saying quite easily.

"You owe me, remember, Mardon?"

"I know Snart. And I'll help you."

"Good. Just put your revenge on flash back a week."

"Oh don't worry, he'll get what he deserves." You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

After that short conversation, the two men started talking about the blueprints of a bank. As Snart's girlfriend, you found yourself trying to think up reasons for this conversation. Unfortunately, only one came to mind, and it wasn't pretty.

Your boyfriend was robbing a bank.

The more you heard, the more certain you became that you were right, especially since he had called the other man 'Mardon', and that was the name of someone who had recently been on the news for his battle with the flash.

Mark Mardon was not a good guy. You continued to listen as the men broke down their plan, and when they left, you got out of bed to make yourself a cup of hot chocolate to drink in front of the TV.

An hour later, Leonard came back from 'work', and as he tried to kiss your forehead you ducked out of the way. Throughout the evening, whenever he tried to show affection you managed to avoid it, until when he was helping you cut vegetables to put in your dinner, and he went to hold your free hand, causing you to  move it away suddenly.

Leonard sighed and carefully laid the knife down, before turning to face you. He kept trying to catch your eye, but you refused to look at him, continuing cutting things up.

Eventually he gently placed a hand on each of your shoulders and turned you to face him. You stayed in that position, but continued looking down at your hands until he put a finger on your chin and tilted it up to look at him.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked you, searching your blank eyes for some sort of answer.

"No." You responded flatly.

Trying to lighten the mood, he decided to crack a joke.

"That's a bummer, because you're cute when you're mad."

The fact that he was trying to make a joke when he was keeping secrets from you made you so angry, so you dropped the the knife and started gesturing wildly.

"You think I'm cute when I'm mad?" You screamed, full of rage. "Well then I'm about to be absolutely gorgeous!"

"Ok, you are definitely mad." He muttered.

Taking a few deep breaths, you tried to calm yourself down. You looked up at him, staring directly into his eyes, pleading for him to understand what you heard and explain it without you having to say anything. When he said nothing and simply stared back at you, waiting for you to tell him why you were mad, you returned your gaze the countertop and closed your eyes, feeling overwhelmed.

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now