Caffeine Overdose

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You managed to find yourself here once again. Being escorted to a police station was something you were quite used to, but you were glad that this time you'd have some company. A man wearing a thick winter parka was thrown into the car beside you, and you smiled at him, before calling to the police officer to hurry up.

Your father was Joe West, you were adopted at the same time as Barry, but you weren't related to either of them. Barry was always such a boy scout, and you hated him for it. Followed the rules, did everything he could to rat you out when you planned on sneaking out of the house to graffiti some nearby buildings.

Joe always wanted to transform you, make you be a good person like Barry, so he didn't let you off your sentences, but he tried his best to look after you while you were doing community service, thankfully you hadn't gone as far as prison yet.

As Joe got in the front seat and started driving away, you started talking to him.

"So, Joe, how's life? Anything new with Barry? He still dating the girl that's practically his sister? And am I the only one who finds that freaky?"

"Barry's fine, Y/N."

"Great, good chat. So, how about you just drop me off here, yeah? I need to get some shopping done."

"Nice try, but I'm not letting you go, I have some papers to fill out. And it looks like this time, you might actually be going to prison, Y/N. You may have just been doing graffiti before, but you stabbed someone this time, and that isn't OK. You'll be charged with attempted murder."


You saw Joe roll his eyes at your lack of remorse in the mirror.

As he pulled up to the police station, another officer came outside and opened your door.

"Back again, I see." He smiled at you, and you nodded in return.

As the two of you were walked into the waiting room, Joe went to tell his boss that he'd caught you and the male criminal he had referred to as Captain Cold.

"You aren't wearing any handcuffs." The criminal noted, looking at his own.

"Very observant. My dad's a cop, he trusts me not to run away. I never have before." You responded, not even looking in his direction as you spoke.

When the officer watching you turned away, you started searching through your bag, looking for something, and Cold watched, intrigued.

Looking up at him, you held your hand out and asked if he had any money you could borrow.

Raising his eyebrows, he silently pulled out a collection of coins, and you took a handful, before walking over to the coffee machine and ordering one that you knew had extra caffine.

Quickly walking back to the bench you two had been left on, you passed the coffee and change to him to hold, so you could root through your bag again.

You pulled out a large tumbler and took the coffee back before pouring it all into the cup you had produced, and passing the empty cardboard mug back to Leonard.

"Got any caffeine pills?" You asked him, once again going through your bag.

He shook his head, watching you intently trying to figure out what you were doing.

You pulled out a can of highly caffeinated energy drink and poured it into the tumbler, so that it was now full.

"Sure you don't have any? I could really use some right now." You said, staring at him expectantly.

When he shook his head, you sighed and started to search your bag all over again.

"Never mind, found them!" You said happily, opening the small box of 20, and pouring them all into your hand.

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now