Our Laws

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Context: In this reality, rather than having population control, everyone has their own law. It is tattooed on their wrist at birth. No matter what, everyone is given one, and the government and police work as they do in our reality, except rather than arresting people for the crimes we know of, (eg. Murder, drug dealing, etc) they arrest them for breaking their own law. Some people can't murder, some can't have a certain job, and some can't wear green. Some people share a law, as there aren't enough for everyone to have their own. Each person only knows their own law, unless they choose to tell anyone else, or unless someone else sees their tattoo.

You woke up, and like any other day carried out your morning routine. You got dressed, ate, and threw on your jacket, sighing at your wrist and pulling the jacket sleeve so that your skin was covered, and started heading to work.

When you reached STAR Labs, you entered, checking around you for someone following you, as you have done every morning for the past year.

Walking through the door, you heard the others talking in the main room, Cisco sitting at his desk, the Flash and Caitlin pacing the room.

"What's wrong?" You asked, concerned. "You look stressed."

Sighing, Barry ran his hand through his hair and looked at up you, his eyes bloodshot through lack of sleep.

"We've been trying to track down Captain Cold all night. He robbed a bank again, and I wasn't there fast enough to stop him."

"That's not your fault!" Cisco shouted. Turning to you, he lowered his voice again. "Barry's blaming himself for something that he couldn't control."

"I wasn't fast enough, Cisco." Barry sighed. "That's on me."

"He disabled the alarm; there was no way we could've known. Don't blame yourself Barry. We're going to catch him."

"When? After he's killed someone?" Barry shouted, getting worked up.

"Barry, if you don't even know where the man is, you can't do anything here. All you're doing is distracting Cisco in his attempts to find him. You're not helping anyone by here. Go home, Barry. Get some sleep." You kindly said.

"Yeah, OK." He said. "I'll go get some sleep. I'll catch up with you later."

As Barry ran off, you waved at Cisco.

"How are you doing, Cisco?" You asked, trying to read his face.

"I'm fine", he sighed, stretching back in his chair.

"You should go home too." You said, staring at him more closely and seeing how tired he looked.

"No. Barry only left because he thought that I would be here doing everything I could to locate Captain Cold. I can't in all conscience leave this building until I've done that." Looking up at me from his desk, he smiled. "Thanks though. It's nice to know you care."

Chuckling, you sat down at your desk and started doing your work on the computer.

Bored and thinking about the scene you had walked in on earlier, you slung your coat over your arm and got up to leave, wanting to do something to help.

"Where are you going?" Cisco asked, his eyes still glued to the computer screen.

"Oh... I'm just grabbing some coffee. I'll be back soon." You lied.

"Cool." He said, continuing to do his work. "Hey, will you grab me one too?"

"Umm... Sure." You responded, walking out of the door.

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