Different Memories

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"How did we get here?" You asked, sighing, as you lied across the sofa, your legs on his lap, and your head on the armrest. "It feels like just moments ago that I wanted to kill you."

"I know exactly how." Leonard stated, and you laughed.

"Yeah, well I know too. I was reflecting, I didn't mean I had amnesia." You responded sarcastically.

"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway..."

"Hello again, Flash and friends." Captain Cold smirked as Barry placed you on the floor next to him after having just sped the two of you in.

"Cold." You growled through gritted teeth. "I'll get him, you get the fiery one." You whispered, nodding to Barry.

Watching as he sped himself and Heatwave to another part of the building, you walked closer to the criminal, eyeing him cautiously.

"Looks like it's just you and me, sweetheart." He smirked, and you rolled your eyes.

"Looks like it." You repeated.

"I don't really want to kill you, you're too pretty to die tonight. How about a drink instead? I have beer."

"I don't drink beer. Wine's much more to my taste."

"I have that too."

"Since there's a pretty high chance it's stolen, I think I'll pass." You responded, an obviously fake smile on your lips.

"You're missing out..." He whistled, and you took a step closer.

"How about you just hand over your gun."

"How about you hand over yours?" He retorted.

Sighing, you used your telekinesis to make his gun fly out of his hands, and to the other side of the room.

"Looks like you've got the power. The question is; what are you going to do with it?" He asked, smirking as he stepped forward so he stood right in front of you and could drop his voice to a whisper.

"Nothing that you'd want me to."

"I'm disappointed, Y/N, I expected more from you. When I have the power, I like to play some mind games with the other person, confuse them."

"Well, luckily you don't have that option right now."

"Don't I?" He asked, and you started to feel as if you were being watched. "Turn around." He whispered.

"Why, so I can be distracted long enough for you to hit me over the head and escape?" You suggested.

"So that I can shoot you." Came a gruff voice from behind you, and as you turned, you saw that it came from his partner.

"Leave her be, we need someone to tell the Flash what happened." Leonard stated, beginning to walk out of the building as Heatwave backed away, his gun still trained on you.

When they got to the door, Cold turned to face you, and pointed over to his gun, still on the floor in the corner where you had carelessly thrown it.

"I'll be with you in a minute, get in the car." He shouted over his shoulder, walking back over to pick up his gun. "Thought I'd forget this, did you?" He asked, waving the gun around in the air.

"I hoped. Would've been good to get some DNA off that, could've identified you."

"Well, you can't have the gun..." He said slowly, turning his weapon over in hands, "but if you want DNA, you can have this."

Suddenly, he was leaning over and pressing his lips to yours, a motion which you accepted eagerly, although surprised at first.

He pulled away quickly, and you watched as he walked over to the door, before shouting back to you his name.

"It's Leonard, by the way. We should go out some time."

"And with that, I left you longing for more, for me to touch you." He finished.

"That is not what happened." You laughed, hitting him playfully with a nearby pillow.

"Yeah, that definitely is. I can't remember it happening any other way." He smirked.

"Well, I, for one, remember our first meeting happening a little differently. Pretty sure it ended with me kicking your ass, and you going to jail for an entire week before breaking yourself out."

"Ah, the good old days." He sighed jokingly.

"Make fun of them all you want, the good old days are the reason I fell in love with you. Without our first meeting, which definitely didn't go like that, we wouldn't be here right now. You'd probably be dead." You smiled.

"I'll have you know, I can protect myself. I was a criminal after all."

"Clearly not a very good one, or I wouldn't have caught you the first time we met."

"Whatever. But I wouldn't need you to save me. If you didn't love me I'd be both alive and richer."

"No, I definitely would've killed you by now."

"Shut up."

I thought this would be cute.

I've started posting my stories on archiveofourown.com now too, under the same name, legendsflarrowgleek, because I figure the more platforms I use, the more people I can get to read my works.

I hope you liked it, anyway.

As always, please leave your thoughts, and, as always, I'm willing to accept any requests.

Now, as always, I must sleep.

Until next time,

Stay Legendary!
---Story Legend

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