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"This is torture." Leonard groaned, putting his head back. "Just move a little bit."

"You mean like this?" You smirked, leaning down to kiss him, and running your hands across his naked body.

As you moved he tried to thrust into you, but you held onto his hips so he had little movement.

"I'm in control." You whispered, leaning close to his ear.

As he reached up and tried to pull you closer, you heard a knock at the door.

You sighed, and straightened yourself up, still on top of him.

Leonard took a sharp intake of breath as you climbed off of him, and stayed on your bed, watching as you grabbed your coat and pulled it on. Opening the door, you saw it was Rip, and so you quickly grabbed a pile of clothes off the floor and threw them over your shoulder at Leonard so he could hide under them, and you moved so it would be hard for Rip to see past you.

"Miss Y/L/N, we've discovered a new aberration and are now headed for that time period. We'll be going in half an hour, so find some appropriate clothing to wear." He stated.

"OK." You responded, hoping he would leave.

"Have you seen Mr Snart anywhere? I can't seem to find him." He asked, trying to look over your shoulder at the room behind you.

"No, I haven't seen him anywhere."

"OK, well, if you do, then let him know about the mission."

"Will do." You responded awkwardly. "Is that all?" You asked, when a few seconds later, he was still standing there.

"Yes, I suppose so." He sighed. Looking your knee-length coat up and down, he smiled at you. "That's a very stylish coat. Little warm in here to need one though, don't you think?"

Realising that he suspected that you were naked underneath it, you let out an awkward laugh.

"I'm cold-blooded, I guess."

He nodded at you with a small smirk on his face, and silently walked away.

You sighed and moved away from the doors, allowing Gideon to close them.

"Mission soon." You stated, collecting the clothes that belonged to Leonard and throwing them on the top of the pile you had created over him when you had tried to hide him. Looking at his partially covered body, you produced a small smirk. "You might want to take a cold shower first."


A bullet flew past you, barely missing your shoulder.

"Careful where you point that!" You shouted, and Leonard shot you an irritated look.

"I don't think that our enemies, who are firing at us, particularly care if you live or die. In fact, I'm pretty sure they'd prefer the latter."

"Yes, well, if they could miss by a bit more that time, it would be nice." You said sarcastically, giving Leonard an obviously fake smile.

He chuckled to himself as he fired his gun at the men once again, and then ducked back behind the wall that the pair of you were sharing.

"So," You started, ignoring another bullet that came close to hitting you, "do you think we should tell the others about whatever this is?" You asked, gesturing to the two of you, and pausing mid-sentence to fire your gun.

"Well, I think they already have their suspicions."

"Yeah, but should we confirm them?"

"What do you want to do? I know you're at least considering it, because you brought it up, and when someone has already decided against something, they don't tend to bring it up when they know they might be disagreed with."

"So, what are we supposed to say? 'Hey guys, we aren't really sure what's happening between us, but right now we're just having sex'? That's not a great way of telling them."

"Sorry to ruin the moment," A female voice in your earpiece started, "But you're on an open line. We can all hear everything you're saying."

"Thanks Sara." You mumbled, and heard all the others chuckle quietly. Turning to Leonard, you shot him a smile, and momentarily turned your earpiece off. "I think that went well."


After the mission, everyone returned to the main room for a de-briefing. When the events had been talked over, Mick turned to Ray and put his hand out.

"Hey Haircut, you owe me 10 bucks."

Grudgingly, Ray pulled the money out of his pocket and handed it over.

"What was that for?" You asked, intrigued.

"I bet him that you two were going at it." Mick responded gruffly.

"Are you kidding me?" You shouted, throwing your arms up in the air.

"I'll have 5 of those back." Ray said triumphantly. After receiving a stern glare, he explained. "I bet him that you'd be mad when you found out we were placing bets about your life."

After giving the two men angry glances, you walked out of the room.

Sara strolled over to the two men and held her hand out.

"That's 5 to me for her storming out."

"I heard that!" You shouted.


Sitting on your bed, you heard a knock on your bedroom door.

"What?" You shouted, irritated. "I'm not planning on saying anything to any of you for the rest of the day so that you can't bet on my reactions."

"Knew it!" Came a triumphant whisper. "Ow!"

"Shut up, Jax. It didn't hurt that much."

"You know what?" Came a voice you knew to be Leonard's. "Just leave, both of you."

After some annoyed grumbling, the door opened and you saw Leonard standing there, leaning on the frame.

You got up off the bed to talk to him, but he walked in and effortlessly picked you up, then sat on the edge of the bed and placed you on his lap so you were facing him.

"They know about us now. How does that make you feel?" You asked Leonard, sighing.

"It's not really that different. I'd already told Mick, and whenever I was around Ray or Jax they'd make some stupid comment, so I'm pretty sure they knew. Plus, I think Rip figured something out."

"I suppose. I mean, I told Kendra and Sara, so they already knew." You said, starting to feel a bit better. "Wait a second. You told Mick, and I told Kendra and Sara. Rip figured something out, Gideon probably told him. Then Ray was making comments about us, so it was pretty clear that he knew. And after a little chat with Ray, Jax started doing the same thing, so he must've been told."

"And if Jax knew, then Stein knew." Leonard added.

"That's everyone, isn't it? Everyone already knew. Huh."

"Well, now that's sorted..." Leonard started, watching you. "Care to finish what we started earlier?"

You smiled and pushed him backwards, pulling your top off over your head.

What do you think? 

Sorry I haven't updated much in the past week, I've been focused on finishing my book "The Password (Leonard Snart Fan Fiction)" so that I can keep updating at a rate of one chapter a day. Go check it out, if you haven't already. 

My internet is being changed over today, but my old one has been cancelled before my new one starts! So I have no wi-fi at home. I have to use my data to upload this chapter, but because my data is really bad, all I can really do with that is check Facebook and scroll through never ending Wattpad notifications.

(That was sarcasm. I had literally one notification in the last two days. So me scrolling through is pretty much me constantly refreshing my page.)

Stay Legendary! 
---Story Legend

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