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You were working your average day at Central City Bank, and you were just closing up for the day, changing the sign from Open to Closed, when you heard a noise outside.

Dismissing it as a rogue animal, you returned to the back room and continued on with your job, counting the last bit of money and locking it away.

A minute later, you heard glass shattering, and crept over to the doorway of the room you were in. Seeing two men enter through the now broken door, you moved to a broom cupboard, and carefully closed the door.

The men gathered all the money they could, but when they got to the vault, they couldn't open it. They tried to freeze it off, but it was a new lock made only for this bank, and it was made not to react with the heat or the cold, because these men had robbed other banks nearby, and the owner didn't want the same happening here. Then one of the men, the one known as Captain Cold, tried to use his lock picking skills to open it, but again, since it was a lock designed specifically for this bank, he hadn't seen it before, and couldn't figure out how to break in.

As the men growled and grumbled over not knowing how to get in, they started looking around the rest of the bank, searching for any more hidden treasures. They searched every room, every nook and cranny, until they finally reached the small broom cupboard you were in, and opened the door.

The bright lights blinded you, but only for a second, because after that, all you could see was a blue barrel of a gun.

"Hellooooo." You said nervously, smiling slightly.

"What do we have here?" Heatwave asked, raising his eyebrows.

"If you're going to kill me, would you at least let me out of the closet first? It's a little confined in here." You said, trying to push your way out.

Moving out of the doorway but keeping his gun trained on you, Captain Cold allowed you out.

After having stood in front of him for a while in silence, you sighed heavily.

"So, you want the vault password, right? I can give you that." You said, walking into the main room and standing in front of the vault. "Four numbers, not that hard to guess. Four of them are starting to wear away slightly from the oils on people's fingers. You can see two of the numbers are 1 and 9, and it's pretty likely they come first, as the manager is an older gentleman, and so its most likely a year, his birthday or his anniversary. Of course, the person you are, you would've seen just the numbers, and not thought about the person behind the lock. Or maybe you just didn't want to take your chances with putting in the wrong number and setting off an alarm. Either way, you're lucky I'm here, because you might have done something wrong trying to figure this one out."

Crouching beside the keypad, you entered the password, and opened the door. Behind that was another door, which needed a fingerprint, and behind that, one that needed a retinal scan.

When all the stages had been passed, you stood up, and allowed the men to remove the contents.

"You've got everything you need. There's nothing left here for you to take anymore." You said calmly.

"We should ice her." Heatwave said gruffly. "She's seen our faces, she can identify us."

"I wouldn't, don't worry about that. You should see my résumé, it's a shortened list of all the banks that have been robbed in the last few years." You snorted. "I've been at most of the robberies working at the front, talking the customers. This is the only one I've been a part of after closing time, though. Its sweet, your regard for human life."

Fiddling with a pen you'd picked up from a co-workers desk, you smiled at them.

"You'd better be on your way, boys. Police will be here soon."

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें