Hear It From Me

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You heard your boyfriend close the door as he came inside, and you looked up from your computer.

He came and sat next to you on the sofa, watching you until you felt really uncomfortable and closed the computer, sighing.

"I need to tell you something, because I want you to hear it from me first." He said suddenly. You stayed silent, but looked at him expectantly. "I'm Captain Cold."

You raised your eyebrows questioningly and narrowed your eyes at him.

"You don't look like a professional criminal." You laughed, crossing your arms.

"That's what makes me so good at it."

After a pause, you narrowed your eyes and dropped the small smile you had.

"Wait, are you serious?"

He nodded in response, staring at you, trying to read from your face what you were thinking.

"I get it that you're mad, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be in danger. I love you, Y/N." He said, prying your arms away from your body so he could hold them, and looking into your eyes.

"It's OK, I get it. You've got enemies, and knowing things would put me in danger."

"So you're not mad?"

Biting your lip, you pulled your hands away so you could play with his hair.

"No, not mad. Actually, I think it's kind of..." You paused, moving his face closer to yours until your lips were above his ear. "...hot."

You heard him groan under his breath before pulling his head back so he could see you.

"Only you, Y/N, only you." He chuckled.

Getting up, you out your bag on looked over at him apologetically.

"I have to go to work, I'll talk to you later, OK?"


Almost as soon as you closed the door, you saw a flash of lightening and suddenly realised you were in a clearing a few blocks away from your house.

"You've been hard to track down." A voice said, and as you turned around, you realised whose it was.

"Thanks, Flash, I'll take that as a compliment."

"The girlfriend of Leonard Snart." He continued. "Are you aware of the fact that he's Captain Cold?"

"I only just found out."

"And how do you feel about that?" He asked, most likely trying to figure out where you stand in their little fight.

"I'm mad." You lied. "He didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth until he knew that I'd find out."

"Then help me. Find out what you can about him, his weaknesses, and then report back to me. Would you do that?"

"Sure." You replied, having already decided that you were going to feed him false information. "This has been great, but you can you take me back now though?"

He nodded at you and picked you up, running you back to outside your apartment.

When he zoomed away, you walked back inside.

"Well, that was a short day at work." He smiled.

Throwing your bag down on the sofa, you looked over at him.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to call in sick today. I just met up with the Flash, and he wants me to spy on you, out of the good of my heart."

"What'd you tell him?"

"I said yes. Obviously, I'm not really going to do it. I'll just tell him something is your weakness when it's actually your strongest point."

"Good idea."

"Hey, I tricked the Flash, I think this calls for a celebration." You said, pulling a bottle of wine out from under the table.

"As fun as that sounds," he said, looking at the wine then back up at you and raising his eyebrows, "how about we celebrate a different way?"

Your eyes drifted to the open bedroom door and you smiled, nodding at him, before grabbing his hand and pulling him off the sofa, towards the bedroom.

Sorry about this one. It's not very good; it doesn't have much of a story line.

I've started doing this thing called Norfolk Rocks, where people paint and hide rocks all around Norfolk, then others look for them and hide them again.

Stay Legendary!
---Story Legend

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