Jealous of the Wrong Guy

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It had to be Snart. Cisco liked Lisa partly for her personality and teasing ways, but mainly because he was winning a battle against Snart. The pair had always been frenemies, the men disliked working with each other, but secretly looked forward to it, enjoying the banter they passed that neither could hold with anyone else. Leonard always won, his street smarts outweighing Cisco's Smart-smarts. But, somehow, Lisa had taken a liking to him, and so Cisco had gone along with it, knowing that Lisa meant the world to Snart, and that he would do anything to protect her. And so, Cisco would always have that over Snart.

And that's why it had to be him. If you had chosen anyone else to use to try and make Cisco jealous, it wouldn't work. It had to be Leonard, because then Cisco would realise that by choosing you over Lisa, he wouldn't be loosing the only thing he had that Snart didn't want him to have. He'd just be swapping her out for someone else.

And that's why, when Barry called Leonard to STAR Labs because they needed a hand, you found yourself flirting with him. And then, two hours later, when still nothing interesting was happening, you found yourself kissing him, in plain view of the whole team.

He seemed to be quite startled at your actions, but went along with it when you whispered something against his lips.

"Making Cisco jealous. Just go with it."

At your words, you felt him start smirking, and when you pulled away, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you next to him, making you squeal in surprise.

The rest of the team stood still, mouths gaping in shock at what they had just witnessed.

"What was that?" Cisco asked, and you were glad that he seemed concerned, as it might mean he was getting jealous of this 'relationship' you had with Snart.

"Oh, I don't know, I'm just making out with this great kisser over here." Leonard smirked, and you knew straight away that he was deliberately overplaying this, just to annoy you, so you quite firmly kicked him, causing him to cough to try and cover the strangled sound of pain that he let out. You looked up at him and smiled, genuinely enough for Cisco to believe you, but angrily enough for Leonard to see the threat that loomed behind your expression.

"Yeah. I mean, it's getting a little boring here, so I thought I'd spice things up." You said, trying to make this conversation get back on track.

Cisco just raised his eyebrows and sighed, walking over to his desk.

"Of all the people though, that guy? The one criminal in the room is the guy you have to kiss."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you cared who I kiss." You responded, sounding almost like little kids.

"I don't." He responded, looking slightly confused at where this conversation had gone.

"Great." You said, pulling Leonard closer to you by the collar of his jacket and kissing him again.

You shot Cisco a look that wasn't quite recognisable, and dragged an amused Leonard into the corridor by his jacket sleeve.

"What are you doing now?" He asked you, watching as you poked your head round the door.

"Trying to make them think that we're kissing back here!" You whispered. "Now be quiet, or if you absolutely must talk to me, then whisper, so they can't hear you."

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