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You were dancing in a bar in the 1980's, finally forgetting your pain, forgetting about Leonard, about his death. 

Mick had bought you quite a few drinks, and a drinking contest had ensued, which ended up with you being rather drunk.

As you scanned the room, you saw the rest of your teammates having fun, each doing their own things. Mick watched, laughing, as you danced, and you winked at him, crossing the dance floor until you stepped in front of him. 

"What are you laughing at, Mister?" You slurred, poking him in the chest.


"No? Are you sure? You don't sound sure..." You asked, giggling, although deep down you knew you shouldn't be.

You were supposed to be upset, supposed to be grieving. You had been for 2 months, this was the first time you'd let loose.

As the feelings of sadness started to wash over you, you looked for something you could use to push them away, and so you grabbed Mick's unfinished drink off the bar and downed it, then, in your drunken state, you leaned forward and kissed him.

He was shocked at first, but let you kiss him, not entirely sure what to do, until someone punched him in the face.

"Mick, are you OK?" You asked, not looking up at his attacker.

"Y/N?" The man who had punched him asked you, and you looked up nervously.

"Lenny!" You shouted, and you threw yourself at him, hugging him, feeling relief but not really believing he was there. "You're dead, Lenny. My Lenny died." You suddenly said, starting to cry.

"I'm here. I'm not dead, Y/N, it's OK." 

Suddenly, you reached up and wrapped his arms around your neck.

"You promise?" You asked, sniffling and burying your face in his neck.

"Of course. I would never leave you." He whispered.

"I love you Lenny." You said, refusing to let go of him, worried that he might fade away. "Please don't leave."

"I promised I wouldn't. I never break a promise." He responded quietly.

Feeling calmer, you started to drift to sleep, leaning completely on him.


You woke up in your room in the waverider, and looked around, hoping you'd see Leonard, but knowing in your heart that it was just a dream.

People don't come back from the dead.

Leonard was gone, and your drunk mind had tried to  recreate him for you. You were alone now, he had died that night saving you, saving everyone. 

He had died that night saving the world.

You crawled out of bed, going to get some aspirin. The kitchen wasn't that far from your bedroom, and although the ship had a med bay, you always kept aspirin in the kitchen as it was closer, and when you had a hangover, it was easier to get. 

As you were about to go in, you saw Mick just leaving, and he smiled slightly at you.

"Do you remember last night?" He asked gruffly.

"Not really. Things are all jumbled up in my brain right now." You responded, chuckling lowly, but still feeling upset. Thinking you had seen Leonard just brought back more memories, almost reset the grieving process.

"You kissed me." He stated, and you cringed.

"I'm really sorry about that." You apologized, and he shrugged.

"Whatever." He said, walking off.

As you stumbled into the kitchen, you started to smell an omelette being cooked, and so you followed the smell until you saw a pan on top of the oven, with no one watching it. 

It wasn't burnt yet, so the person had only just left it. You considered the possibility that Mick left it, but he didn't know how to cook, and, if he did, he wouldn't leave his food behind.

You started to move the food round with the wooden spoon that was out, and you turned around when you heard footsteps behind you.

A man stood there, holding a new carton of eggs, staring at you, and you stared back at him in disbelief.

"Leonard?" You asked warily, hoping that what you were seeing was true. "You're here!" You screamed, running up to him and hugging him.

"Of course I'm here." He responded, hugging you back and stroking your hair. "I promised, remember? I never break a promise."

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one, but I do like the ending. What do you think? 

I have my Speaking and Listening exam tomorrow in English, which means I have to do a presentation in front of my class. I'm extremely nervous!!! I'm totally ready to sleep right now, but I have to edit my PowerPoint, so I'll probably be up for at least another hour, sadly.

Requests are always open!

Stay Legendary!

---Story Legend

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