Sit With Me

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You sat in a café, smiling at the other girls on your table, and trying to listen to what they were saying.

Everyone laughed as one told a joke, and you tried to add to the conversation.

"Well, actually," you started, before being cut off.

"Yeah, I..." You tried, but you were once again interrupted.

"Funny story, this one time... And they're not listening to me." You sighed, leaning back in your chair and putting your head in your hands.

"I'd never ignore you." Came a voice, and you looked around for the source. "Behind you." The voice laughed, and you whipped around, seeing that the man on the table behind you had turned around to talk to you.

"Oh hi." You smiled.

"Why don't you come and sit with me? There's plenty of room."

"Thanks for the offer, but as you can see, I'm here with friends."

"What I can see is you with a load of people who've been ignoring you for the last hour."

"Fine, colleagues."

"Whatever. But if you want to have some fun... You know what to do." He said suggestively, winking.

"I'll keep that in mind." You responded, turning back round so you could focus on the girls.

At first, you tried again to be part of the conversation, but you gave up after a few minutes, instead thinking about the man sitting behind you.

Casually looking over your shoulder at him, you saw him staring at you, and, blushing, you turned back.

A few minutes later, you decided to just go and move, so you got up and sat on the chair opposite him.

"Leonard." He stated, nodding at you.

"Y/N." You smiled in return. "So Leonard, what brings you here?"

"Destiny." He responded, looking you deep in the eye, before laughing. "The scones. Best I've ever tasted."

Ta-da! I love writing café oneshots.

I feel like I'm betraying Leonard, but I've been reading a lot of flash fan fiction lately, and I wanted to write one too, but decided against it as I already have too many books going.

So, I'm going to write a oneshot where Leonard steals some of Barry's speed and puts it into himself.

This is so random, but don't you think that having sex with the flash would just be the best? Like, he can vibrate his body. And move FAST. Which is why the one I write about Leonard being fast will definitely have smut. In fact, it'll probably just be smut....

Stay Legendary!
---Story Legend

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