Charm Part 2

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You'd been working with the rouges for quite a while now, moving from job to job under a different name each time, being hired by a bank or museum, working there for a few weeks, and then simply letting in the boys and giving them the access codes.

They gave you a portion of the money, although not a fair third, but that didn't really bother you. What they gave you was plenty, and you weren't about to get into a fight with two criminals (whose names you both now knew). Although, technically, you're a criminal too. The cops just didn't know it yet.

You'd expected this life to be more exciting, but in truth, playing the victim didn't give the same thrill as being the criminal. You weren't on the edge of your seat, you weren't looking over your shoulder. The whole reason you had wanted to work with them was so you could have the best of both worlds; the thrill of being the criminal but the freedom of being the victim. You wouldn't be blamed for anything, and the cops wouldn't be chasing you.

But, that was the thrilling part of being a criminal. And it was the part you were missing out on, being chased.

As you sat in Mick's house drinking a beer, you sighed. If you truly wanted to be a criminal, that meant people would have to know about you, and you would never be able to have a normal life again. Plus, the whole reason you had been recruited to work with these people was that they needed someone on the inside who could make sure the silent alarm wasn't triggered, the security tapes could be deleted, and the vault could be broken into without any visible signs of a break in.

They might not even want you as a part of their team if you weren't doing that specific job - after all, they have managed to get along just fine robbing banks in the past, they don't need someone else tagging along.

You considered bringing it up now, but thought it best to wait until Mick was out of the room, as he might get a little bit mad.

You thought over what you were suggesting, taking away the normal life you had worked so hard to get. Your family would kill you, and the few friends you had would never be able to speak to you again, for fear of getting themselves arrested for aiding and abetting a criminal. Everything you had built in your life would be ruined, and you would never be able to return to it.

All evening, you waited for Mick to leave to go do something, but he stayed, and you all drank in silence, until Leonard announced that he was going to leave.

"I'd better get going too," You added, pulling yourself up and grabbing your jacket which had been casually slung over the back of the sofa you had been sitting on.

When you were outside, you asked Leonard if he would drive you home, as he had driven you here after your latest robbery, and, short of walking, you had no way to get back. He agreed, and you spent most of the car journey in silence, only bringing up the subject that had been rattling around your mind when you drew nearer the house.

"I know you recruited me because you wanted me to be your woman on the inside, but would it be ok with you if I didn't do that anymore?" You suddenly said.

Leonard raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent, allowing you to continue.

"It's just - I want what you have. The thrill of being a criminal. And right now, I'm not running from the cops - hell, no one even knows who I am. I want to help more."

By the time you had finished talking, Leonard had pulled up in front of your house, and so you invited him in, staying quiet until you were both perched on the sofa.

"I mean, I get it if you don't want me to help anymore if I won't be on the inside, knowing the access codes and stuff, because I know you don't need the assistance, but -" You were cut off by Leonard turning himself slightly and putting his hand on your chin, raising it so you were looking him in the eye.

"Hey," he said, "Where's my too-confident-for-her-own-good girl gone? Nervous does not suit you."

You laughed and playfully punched him on the shoulder, glad he wasn't taking this too seriously.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N. If you want to change roles, that's fine by me. Don't say that I wouldn't want your help anymore, because I would never get rid of you, not if I can help it."

"Good." You winked at him and laughed again. "Because you're stuck with me."

Taking a deep breath, Leonard started looking around the room.

"What's a guy got to do to get a drink around here?" He asked.

Laughing, you got up and walked over to your fridge, getting him a beer and turning around, only to be startled because the empty space behind you suddenly held a person.

Leonard stole the drink from out of your hands and took a swig of it, before placing the bottle down and putting one hand on the counter either side of you, trapping you.

For some reason you felt the urge to fiddle with his jacket collar, so you did, causing his chest to expand at your touch. He raised his eyebrows at you, and grabbed your hands, pinning them down on the counter beside you.

You raised your gaze so that you looked him in the eye, and watched as his stare moved down to your lips, and then back up to your eyes, as if asking permission to kiss you.

You smiled slightly and leant forward, making your lips connect.

You grabbed the collar of his leather jacket, pressing him into you, and it only took a moment before he put his hands on your back, pulling you impossibly closer. Your lips started to move in perfect sync. You pulled back to breathe and found yourself staring into his eyes, and him into yours.

Suddenly, his lips moved to your neck, sucking and biting.

An unfamiliar ringtone filled the apartment, and you could only guess that it was Leonard's phone. You decided to ignore it at first, but it didn't seem to stop, so you growled in irritation.

"Leonard." You sighed. "I think you should get that."

Abruptly stopping what he was doing, he buried his face in your neck for a moment, before sighing and walking over to the table next to the sofa which his phone laid on.

"Hey, Sis." He spoke into the phone. After a pause, he rolled his eyes and added: "I'll be right there."

Turning back to you, he hung up the phone and gave you an apologetic look.

"Sorry, I have to go, my sister is panicking about something, and she wants me to come over."

"It's fine." You sighed, walking over to the door and opening it for him whilst he collected his things.

When he was almost out of the door, he stopped and turned to you.

"I'll see you next week. And, if you're going to be helping us rob the place, you're going to need a gun. I'll see if I can get you one." Looking you up and down, he smirked. "How about... Something pretty and toxic, like you."

"Sounds perfect." You smiled, shutting the door as he started walking away.

So yay! The second part of this chapter is now here! Although I posted this after the next chapter, I placed it here so that people who read this later can read the second part straight after the first one.

Also, I know the 'pretty and toxic' line was used for Lisa, but I thought it would be cool for him to say it about her, since just getting her a normal gun would be boring.

Requests are always open, so fire away!

Stay legendary!
---Story Legend

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