Queen Rena

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One year later-

Volga was furious. The minute he woke up, he was fifteen. Eldin looked down on him as the blonde sat up. He had a change of clothes. From the tunic to a white shirt with a crisscross at the collar, beige pants and boots. "When you go to SkyLoft, you will blend into the Knights." he said.

"Yea right, where's my tunic? I wanna throw it over?" Volga ask. His eyes darted to the corner where a large dragon laid, watching him with piercing green eyes. "Umm, Eldin sir, who's the other dragon?"

"Come out." Eldin ordered as the Dragon came from the corner. The Dragon had a jewel encrusted necklace on the chest with red scales mix with gold. "Volga, this is your mother, Queen Rena."

Rena walked around her son, the young 5'10 as she breathed smoke at his back. "You have grown. Show me your birthmark." she commanded.

"My birthmark?" He blinked as he lifted his shirt up, his back having a small orange dot near the behind. He felt a claw jab at it as he shrieked in pain. Rena covered his mouth with her claw as she kept jabbing, his wings appearing. "S-STOP!" He flung her off him and snarled lowly. "Aren't you my mother?! Why are you doing that!"

"To test your reflexes. Don't let anyone hit you there, it is your weak spot." Rena said as she smirked. "A fiery temper, like a true dragon. Volga, you are my son and heir to the throne."

"So, I'm a prince?" Volga looked up at her. He was shorter than she was as she was about 20ft tall. "And the only heir?"

"Not quite, I had a egg a few days ago and it hadn't hatched yet. You may take the throne once you're about 2010 or when I pass." Her snout laid on his head. "You are not like the other dragons here, a hybrid between the two clans of human and my tribe. I accept you for who you are and always will Volga. Same with your unhatched sibling. Good luck my son in your journey and your father..."

"What about him?" Volga looked up at her, wanting answers. "Who's my father?"

"Your father was a Skyloftian Knight we fell through the clouds into Eldin Province. This was a year before you hatched but, your father was a fighter. I saved him and he jabbed me into the tail with his blade. I loved him for that and, he asked for my blessing in marriage. Volga, mixing a clan is dangerous. My Warriors thought that if we mixed, the humans would come and poach us once more." Rena picked him up and started walking from Eldin, Volga listening. "Your father wanted to have a child and so did I, but at risks and we took them. Your egg appeared and before I knew it, your father disappeared. Left me alone with a egg with a orange spot.
"Volga you are not a defect. The dragons all called you a defect the minute the egg was found out and wanted to destroy you. I had to get you out of the nursery and to the Caves where it would be safe for you." She looked down at him. "I'm so sorry Volga, I should of been a better mother..."

"Mom." He looked up at her. "It's alright, I'm not furious with you. For sometime, I wanted my birth parents. I was raised by Dinalfos and Lizalfos in the Eldin Caves for so long, I started calling them my true family. But, meeting you opened up my eyes. My own mother saved me from being killed, I appreciate that." He hugged her. "Mom, please come see me. Please."

"I'll try to my son." She walked out as she started flying to her kingdom, the lava running through the rocks as Volga gazed down at it. Then, a castle from the other side of the Volcano came into view as there were dragons flying around, Warriors to be exact. Some held spears and armor on, others didn't. The young hybrid was amazed as Rena landed at the castle, setting her son down.

"Queen Rena." A guard said as its golden eyes gazed Volga up and down. "Human!"

"No Rey! This is my son, Volga. The heir to the throne and Prince." Rena put a wing in front of her son in a way of defense as Rey held a spear at it. "Volga, this is my trusted guard, Rey. Say hello."

"Hello Rey, I-I'm Prince Volga." Volga stuttered a little, not use to saying prince, "one day heir to the throne."

"Hybrid." Rey snipped at him as he walked off. Rena nuzzled her son's head as she picked him up with her teeth, walking.

"Volga, don't mind him. Rey found out I was pregnant with your egg and another egg. Don't ask about the other egg, sadly it was lost." she whispered. "But son, Eldin, didn't he give you a scroll?"

He took it out of his bag, opening it. "He has. But mom, he said about you falling ill..."

"He's such a story teller. I wasn't ill. Tell me more on what he said."

"Well, he said you were going to kill Dad and, that this was a village, not a kingdom." Volga said. "He's lying, right?"

She nodded. "He is. Like I said, got my tail. And this is a kingdom." Rena set her son down once she went into the throne room. "Volga, you're my son and my heir-"

"Mom, what about the second egg? The one that was inside you." Volga sighed. "I want to know..."

"That egg, I had you two at the same time and the egg had a crack in it once it was in the nursery. Your egg had the dot but the other one didn't. Once the kingdom found out about me having two dragon hybrids, a guard went to smash you both. I acted fast and rescued you but sadly, not your sibling. Boy and girl I was going to have. A son and daughter..." She looked down as a tear ran down her scales. "The guard was executed after the smashing once I returned from the Caves."

Volga looked at her face more, analyzing how his was similar to hers a little. The black markings she had ran all the way to the corners of her mouth with rubies encrusted into the sides. The hybrid sat on the ground, taking in what she said. "I was a twin, to a sister...?"

"Yes. Volga, it is sad to know but I wanted to name her, Sakura. Can you one day use her name for a child, if you have any?"

"Maybe..." he whispered. "Mom I need to get onto my journey now. Lanayru Desert is my next place to go." He looked her into the eyes. "I need to leave now. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize son." she said. "Rey!" she yelled.

Rey walked into the throne room and snarled at Volga. "Yes my Queen?"

"Fetch my son one of our best weapons. His spear looks broken." Rena ordered as Rey glared hatefully at her son before going to get the weapons. Rena then took the spear Volga had been using and broken it in half. "Son it was bound to break. This wood is weak, the wood from Faron Woods is. Don't use it ever again."

Rey came back with three weapons: a bow with a quiver filled with arrows, a new spear, and a sword of steel. "Take all three but the spear is called Dragonbone Pike."

Volga hesitated and took the weapons. He placed the quiver on his back then the sword into his belt and the spear into the knot of his bag. Rena smiled as she bowed her head, the necklace coming off. "Volga, have this. Wear it."

The young dragon picked it up and placed it over his neck, the sizing being fix to his neck. He was amazed by the way it shrunk as it was wrapped around his neck, the ruby hanging off. "Thank you mom. Take care!" He started running out of the throne room, heading to the balcony that he came threw. Volga leaped off and transformed into his Dragon form, flying off into the distance and starting his search for Lanayru Desert. With new weapons and more information about his parents, he was ready for SkyLoft now.

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