Knight of Eldin Caves

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Volga was in his Dragon form, his sister on top of his stomach as she play fight with him. Sakura giggled as Rena walked in, hauling red armor on her back. Her son looked at her funny as she laid down. "Volga, you said you would return to Eldin Caves."

"Bubba, leaving?" Sakura whimpered as she felt a soft hand on her head. Volga reverted to his human form as he took his tunic off. The armor had a short sleeve spandex top with dark blue that resembled scales. He got the armor on and looked at himself before Rena added black paint over his eyes, only the white sclera and pale green eyes showing. "Bubba?"

"Bubba is right here." he answered and knelt down, hugging her. "Bubba has to leave. I'm gonna be a knight of the Caves. You and mother can visit me anytime as the Lizalfos and Dinolfos are our people and soon to be my troops." he said. There was something else the queen had as she shook it off her tail. The skull of Volvagia with pale green eyes like Volga's own.

"Spirit of Volvagia is within you, son. This is his skull but the eyes started glowing when you came around." she informed. "Wear it."

"A skull? That's kinda gross." He shook his head then looked it over. There was a holder on it with red metal and black designs with a chin piece. "I'm gonna look older in this oh my goddess." He forced himself to put it on. Sakura wailed as Volga picked her up. "Bubba is still the same."

"Bubba!" She wrapped her small arms around his armor. Her claws hit the ruby and looked at it. "Bubba?"

"It's our royal emblem: the ruby stone." he replied. "I have to leave. I love you so much." Volga kissed her head softly and got a small nuzzle on his cheek. Rena hugged her son and took her daughter into her claws.

"You will need luck Volga. The guardian right now won't hesitate to kill you." she said as he grabbed his spear, Dragonbone Pike. He summoned his wings, thankful that he can summon them with the armor and flew to the caves from the balcony. Volga had determination in the pale eyes. Volvagia's spirit circled around him as he flew, looking down at the dragons leaving to hunt. Volga landed as a hunting patrol of Lizalfos were leaving.

"Let me through." The dragon ordered, crossing his arms. The Lizalfos nodded and moved past him after seeing the emblem. Volga walked in, spinning the spear in his right hand. "Guardian!" he yelled, alerting Dinolfos and Lizalfos.

"It's Volga!"

"He isn't dead!"

"Isn't that the emblem of the Prenoto's?" Many murmurs were emerging from the monsters as the guardian walked to face Volga. Volga looked at the Lizalfos and cleared his throat.

"I'm challenging you." he said with determination.

The guardian cackled. "You? Challenging me?! You forgot your place little dragon."

Volga snarled and spun his spear. "Then let's go! Winner becomes the new appointed guardian. Loser dies."

"Challenge I'll take." The Lizalfos cackled more. "You will die prince."

"I'll die with determination." Volga walked away from him and spun his spear, standing still. "Come at me."

"Hmph." The guardian charged at Volga as he backflipped, missing the dragon. "Little boy!" He attacked him with his claws as Volga dodged each one, using his spear and thrusted it at the guardian. The Lizalfos moved and shot fire at him, searing the expose nose. Volga snarled and moved around him, a hissing sound coming from his throat and shot his own fire at the Lizalfos. The guardian was burnt but wasn't going down.

"Come on lizard brain!" Volga chuckled. "Got more than that! Dingo did!"

"Dingo? You killed him?!" The guardian charged at him, missing him and hitting the armor. "You murdered our own! You are a monster!"

"Stephanie understood why and I'm a prince. I could do anything I can do." Volga retorted. "Like killing you."

"You are a prince, why do you want our homes?!"

"I'm from here. Hatched and raised. I am taking control and giving everyone the ability to go outside!" Volga yelled. He thrusts his spear once again, only for it to be into his rival's grip. He was ready for this, good with hand to hand combat. Only, it was hand to weapon. The guardian scraped Volga's cheek and knocked the helmet off. The Dragon didn't tighten it enough as his skin was exposed as the guardian attacked his face. Volga groaned and kept his eyes closed, memorizing his movement as he dodged now. He kept his eyes close in case he got stabbed.

"Open your damn eyes!" The guardian ordered. Volga refused and moved fast, kicking the spear out of the guardian's grip. He opened his eyes finally and was face with a armored glove, getting bruised quickly. He spat blood out and glared, using his fire again. He sent it at the Lizalfos, before getting one back. He fell onto his back, wincing as the Lizalfos picked the chain up. He brought him over to a lava pool, about to drop him. "You lost."

"No I hadn't!" He jumped up and kicked the Lizalfos into the pool, taking his chain back into his grip. He slipped it back over his armor as the old guardian burnt. "I am your new knight!" he yelled. "Volga Prenoto!"

Many of the Lizalfos bowed in respect for the prince. Some of the Dinolfos did as well but some despised the new knight. Volga barely basked in his glory, smiling proudly as blood dripping down his face.

"I lived for my sister." he said to himself. "Sakura, you will see me soon."

Volga turned around and treaded to his new home. "Lana, one day we might meet again. I hope that day comes soon."

The Dragon turned around again and raised his armored fist in the air, proud to be alive.

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