Epilogue: July 23rd

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Volga was training a new knight in training. 2014 and he was turning 2007 which made him glad to be alive. His mother and sister would be visiting with Rena carrying two eggs. His new siblings made him excited as his student frown. "Saran, what's with the frown?" he ask, out of armor.

"Master Volga, I smell danger." she answered. Her brown hair was pulled up in a ponytail as he sniffed the air. "Trust me, I do."

"Saran all I smell is the natural odor in the Caves." he retorted. "Stop trying to get out of training. I'm doing this for you to watch these Lizalfos and Dinolfos in case I go missing or away for long periods of time."

"I know." She crossed her arms. "But, can't we rest?"

He sighed, running his hand through his light blonde hair. "Guess so," he responded quietly. "I need to change anyway."

"Thank you master!" She hugged him and kissed his cheek, running off. He chuckled softly. He knew of her crush on him but he couldn't. Volga just couldn't love her. His feelings were with someone else, a distant memory he can barely recall now. He went to change before a Lizalfos Chieftain ran up to him.

"Lord Volga, there isssss distresssss." It hissed as Volga grabbed his helmet. He didn't realize this would be the last time he would be here. He picked his spear up and ran near a keep, seeing a female sorceress.

"You there, you must be the Dragon of the Caves, Volga." she said.

Volga had to smear his war paint on before meeting the witch. "I'm Volga. Leave." he snarled.

"How could you- insolent dragon." The female hissed at him. "I want to give you ultimate power."

"Power?" He arched a hidden brow. Why should he take the power? He has his family and Saran to train. "No. I don't want power."

"Really now? I could make you a General of my army if you say yes-"

"I said leave!" Volga yelled, getting furious. "This instant!"

"Or else what?" she chimed, walking up to him. Up close, her clothes were revealing parts of her body he wish to unseen. Volga cringed a little and smacked her across the face.

"That." He took fighting stance and spun his spear around. The witch used dark magic at her will, finishing their battle. Volga was force to retreat, checking on Saran.

"Saran?!" he yelled, going to her bedroom. "Saran?"

The female was sitting on the floor, polishing her spear. "Oh hey. Got your ass kicked?" she ask.

"Shut up. Look, I need you to stay here. Please." He knelt onto his knee. "This is for your safety. Come out when the battle is over-"

"Battle?! I wanna fight!"

"You're too young. Let me handle this." He was right. She was only 1234 years old and he was older. She nodded and hid under the bed while Volga left, returning to battle. "King Dodongos! I summon you!" He heard a cackle and realized it was the artifact from the mines. Wizzro.

"Damn. He summoning my- wait a second." Volga was frustrated as he realized that Wizzro betrayed the sorceress for someone who is strong. He still remember when Rena gave him the ring to keep here. Now the witch wants it. Questions flooded his head as the female appeared. Was his mother okay? Sakura, the eggs?! Volga couldn't focus as he was down on the ground, injured enough to not stand.

Her hand went under his chin piece, making his face look at her. "You're mine now, dragon."

"I'm not a-" He cut himself short when she walked away from him. Volga stayed down, not going to fight against it. He held his ruby on his chain and kissed it. "I'm gonna live for my family and to see another day. Another sunrise, sunset. My sister tackling me nonstop and us joking around. Playing the harp like never before for my mother to join along with songs of her youth."

When Wizzro was beaten, the sorceress talked. "I am Cia and you two are my new generals." She put them under dark magic as Wizzro's took full effect while Volga's didn't. A memory was keeping him from not falling: a girl with blue hair and purple eyes, a side ponytail. His family in his heart wouldn't let him fall.

"I give, Lady Cia-" Volga was saying, lying through it. "-my power."

"Good. Let's get a move on." she said and started walking out of the Caves, Volga yelling for some of his Chieftains to come with him until he could get his army. Wizzro walked beside the dragon knight as two dragons emerged from the sky, landing in front of the three. "Move it-"

"Mother." Volga said and pet Rena's snout. "I have to leave. I love you mom. You too Sakura." He saw his bouncy little sister and got a tackle hug.

"Ugh! Hey dragon ass, let's go!" Cia ordered. Volga hugged his family before waving goodbye. He was shaken up as he thought 'What if I'm actually saying goodbye? She needs me as a general but, my family I can't leave.'

"Happy birthday big brother!" Sakura yelled to him as he was far in the distance. "We love you!"

Rena wiped her eyes and hugged Sakura as Saran came from the Caves. "He's leaving..." she said, her green eyes in shock. "That bastard. Volga I'm not done with training! Get back here!"

Rena placed a claw on her shoulder. "A war is brewing now. You must watch these Caves with close eyes and make sure no intruders get through. Saran you're a knight now until he returns. If he does. We dragons don't partake in the human wars."

"Neither do I. I'm part Dragon.." Saran whimpered. Sakura hugged her as she meekly hugged back. "Volga trained me to never get involved with human wars."

"He's part human and so are you. You two maybe on opposing ends." Rena said. "You will need luck." She took off into the air with Sakura railing behind her.

Saran stood there as the two royal dragons flew off into the air back to their kingdom and Volga off to fight. It was just her now. Saran, all alone. "Volga you bastard come back alive..." she whispered to herself and sighed.

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