Back to Eldin

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Nineteen years old. Volga was a knight in training and making a lot more progress than the other junior knights. He remembered what his mother said and to return to Eldin Province once he was nineteen. The Dragon already cleared his bedroom out of his belongings and into his bag, night falling. He had plans to leave tonight and return to the Surface. Volga snuck out of his bedroom and wiped his name off of the plate next to his door. He went upstairs and to the door at the end of the hallway, leaving. Monsters were out as he went to the closest deck and jumped, whistling for his Loftwing.

The majestic red bird swooped in and caught him, letting Volga steer him to the red beam. "Bye my friend, until we meet again." He jumped off and summoned his dragon wings, flying over the province. The young blonde found the kingdom and landed at the balcony, putting his chain on. Wearing a blue tunic wasn't his thing, needing his dark red. Guards were out as they thrusted their spears at the intruder.

"Prince Volga!" The guards exclaimed as Volga crossed his arms.

"Stand down." The prince said. "Where's my mother?"

"In the dining hall. Shall we take you there Prince?" A guard offered.

"Yes please." He nodded and followed the guards to the dining hall, where Rena was eating meat. "Mother?"

The queen looked at her heir and smiled. "Volga!" She flew over to him and hugged him. "Oh my baby!"

He hugged back and smiled. "I met Dad, wasn't a fan of him." he said. "I rather be here than with him."

She chuckled softly. "You look skinny, now lets get you something to eat." He sat next to her and looked at the meat. Rena told one of her servants to get Volga a plate and something to drink.

He picked at his food, hadn't eaten much since he was seventeen. Volga yawned softly as she looked at him. "Mom, I'm mostly tired right now."

"Something in your system will give you a good night's sleep." Rena said. The servant placed the plate in front of Volga as he started eating. She smiled. "You are starving."

He swallowed and sipped his drink. "I guess so." He was using his manners but when this appetite was this bad, screw the manners. He had three plates before yawning. "I'm so full..."

Rena smiled as her wing wrapped around her son. "Let's get you to your bedroom and you have a big day tomorrow."

"Big day?" He looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"You're a prince after all." she answered. "You must be introduced to the whole kingdom son." Her son rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little stressed. "Oh Volga, you could return to Eldin Caves if you want..."

"Return there?" He looked at her. "Mother... I don't know yet. I want to bask in the sun-"

"You still can." she persuaded. "You can become the leader of the Dinolfos and Lizalfos. Make them your soldiers."

"Soldiers huh? I like the sound of that." He rubbed his chin as he thought about it. Rena opened a door as there was a comfy bed in the center.

"I hope this will do. Tomorrow I'll show you around more. If you need to wash up, there is a cleansing room nearby." she said.

"You mean a bathroom?" he corrected but threw himself onto the bed, passing out.

The sun shined onto his face as he groaned. Volga was exhausted and curled up, opening his eyes a bit to see himself only in black pants. His tunic and shirt were folded nicely against the bed as he sat up, deciding to get up for the day. He ran his fingers through his messy hair, yawning more as he stood up, leaving the bedroom. Rena was awake and walking down the hall, seeing her son.

"Good morning Volga." she greeted.

"Morning mother," he greeted in return, stretching more. He saw she had something on her back. "Hey mother, what's that?"

"Your royal attire." she answered and opened his bedroom door, dumping the clothes off her back. "Change into those and I'll see you in the throne room." The door closed as Volga changed into his attire. Dark red tunic with a crisscross beige shirt underneath, chain mail too. The tunic had golden cuffs with light gold swirls on them as he had black pants on with dark brown boots, light golden swirls as well. He got the belt on and fixed his hair, yawning more. He walked out of the room, going to the throne room where Rena was, talking with guards.

"Mother." he called out to her, walking up to the ruby encrusted throne. His chain and ruby were showing over the shirt, moving against his chest as he moved. "Mother!"

Rena looked at Volga and hugged him. "My baby, these are Rex and Axel, your guards." Volga smiled back, his fangs showing.

"Mother... I don't need guards. I can protect myself." he said, his hands on his hips. "Seriously."

"Well okay. Rex and Axel, dismissed." She waved a claw as the two guards walked off. "Now my son, let's go to the balcony and meet your people."

He swallowed hard and followed his mother to the balcony, seeing tons of fire dragons with different color eyes. No one had the ruby emblem, which meant the ruby was of the royal family. "Prince Volga Frederick Prenoto." Queen Rena said.

Volga stood still as he summoned his wings and tail, his scales on his ears. He smiled sheepishly, fangs showing. A couple of dragons flew up onto the balcony, inspecting the young prince. "This is our prince? A human?!" A dragon with dark red scales and piercing golden eyes glared at Volga.

"I'm not a human!" he squeaked, shaking. "I'm a SkyLoft Hylian and a dragon!"

The Dragon lifted him with his claws, crushing his throat. Volga thrashed and cried out in agony, biting the scales. The Dragon let the prince go as guards pointed their spears at it. "Take him away." Rena ordered, holding her son as he struggled for air. Volga gagged and coughed, rubbing his throat. "Volga honey-"

"I am gonna return to the Caves for me to become a guardian." he coughed. "Being a prince is hard. I wanna wait on it."

She kissed his forehead. "I'll take you down today. There is armor for knights we made. You deserve it to become a guardian. Stay in touch with me..."

Her son nodded and walked back into the castle, seeing Rey with a egg. His brows furrowed and hid behind a pillar, watching him walk off. Volga stalked behind him, not trusting this dragon one bit. Rey placed the egg down and grabbed a spear, Volga emerging. "Don't you dare!" He tackled him, snarling as he looked at the egg. It was cracking and a small dragon head came up, the shell over it scales. The dragonet had green eyes and black markings like his.

Volga smiled and picked the egg up, running to his mother. "Mom! Mom! Look the egg hatched!" He ran onto the balcony, Rena smiling. "Rey was going to kill it."

"Kill my child?!" she snarled lowly as the dragonet shook the shell off it, showing it was a girl. "Sakura. Sakura Lairne Prenoto." She held her daughter as Volga smiled at her.

"I'm your big bro, Volga Frederick Prenoto. You're my baby sis and I saved your life." he said as a claw bopped his nose. He chuckled as he took her into his arms, hugging her.

"Rey will be punished for an attempt to kill another egg." Rena said. "Are you going to stay?"

"For awhile. I'll return to Eldin Caves soon." Volga answered, snuggling Sakura. "I wanna stay with my baby sister for a bit and be a hero."

Sakura giggled and bopped his nose more, cooing. He kept her in his arms for the whole day, Rena spending time with her son and daughter.

"I love my kids." she whispered as Volga fell asleep, Sakura mimicking him. "And my old mate who gave me a hero." She kissed her son's forehead and closed her eyes.

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