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Volga was on the giant red bird as it took him over a island with villages and a big structure. The bird spun him off as the blonde screamed, falling at the Knight Academy, landing into the ground hard. His body was in the ground as he groaned, "I think my everything is broken..."

"How can that happen?" A boy in a green tunic stood above him. "You need some help?"

"Yes please..." he mumbled as the boy lifted him by his hair. Volga blinked as dirt was all over his face, his hair a total mess. He looked up at the boy, seeing blue eyes and blonde hair under a cap of green. "I'm Volga."

"I'm Link." The green tunic greeted. "You're new here."

"I am..." He stood up as he was tall as Link. He got his tunic back on as he blinked. "Link, your name seems familiar."


"Eldin! He mentioned you, I think. It was a year ago..." Volga said, trying to remember. "He's a story teller."

"Tell me about it." Link agreed. "But anyway, where did you come from?"

Volga glared a little at him. "I'm on a quest. I am currently searching for my father. My mother didn't give me no clue about him but he fell from the sky about fifteen years ago. I think sixteen now." he explained. "I think he has my hair color, I don't know. Please help me Link, my mother didn't help me much."

"I'll try to help. Maybe he was a SkyLoft knight." He opened the door to the academy. "Go ahead."

Volga walked in, looking around as Link came up from behind him. "The headmaster is upstairs, I have to meet with Zelda so bye." He walked upstairs as Volga ran up the steps and saw the doors on the left.

"Headmaster Gaepora. Huh, this is it." He opened the door and walked in, closing it with his boot. "Excuse me?"

A man was at the bookshelf, turning around as he saw the young blonde. "Hm? Do we have someone who wants to become a knight?"

"No sir." Volga answered. "I'm from the Surface. My name is Volga and I need to know if a man was a knight here that resembled me."

"Not the makeup but yes. We had a knight who looked like you. Why asking?"

"I'm his son. Queen Rena should sound familiar to him." The prince said. The knight thing Gaepora said before sounded interesting to him. "Sir, about the knight thing?"

"You want to, become a knight?"

"Yes please." Volga nodded. "I want to become a knight." He looked at his tunic.

"You can have a bedroom downstairs, across from Link's." Gaepora said, waving at the door. "I'll summon the knight to the academy and ask about you."

Volga walked out as he went downstairs, reading the signs next to the doors. He found Link's bedroom and walked across the hall, finding his. He opened the door and saw weight equipment. Volga set his bag on the bench press and laid on the bed. First time on something comfortable in about seven years was relaxing to him. He kicked the boots off and yawned, his arms behind his head. He looked at the ceiling and all around the bedroom, seeing a dresser for clothes. "Mom, I'm gonna find Dad here, and I'll come back to you soon." He shut his eyes and slept.

Link shook Volga awake as night was getting close. "Headmaster Gaepora wants to see you." he said, looking at Volga's hair. "Actually, let me fix you up."

Volga sat on the side of the bed and took his tunic off, only having his pants on while Link brushed and cut his hair. He yawned while the green knight was sitting behind him, cleaning his hair of anything. "There's a bathing room upstairs near the other entrance. I can show you where it is at and bring you fresh clothes."

"Thanks Link, you are the first person who's been nice to be in a few years." he said. "I knew this girl who was so nice to me but she disappeared." He looked down and felt hair in front of his eyes. Link got off the bed and on the other side, trimming the bangs as they weren't covering his eyes. He went over to the dresser and opened it, taking out a shirt and beige pants.

"Change into these and leave your tunic on the bed." Link said, setting the clothing on the bed. "I'll wait outside for you." He opened the door and closed it behind him. Volga changed out of his grungy clothes, into the cleaner ones. He slipped the boots on and opened the door, walking out. "You look good. Let's see Headmaster Gaepora."

The blonde followed the other blonde back up the stairs and into the Headmaster's office, a man sitting in front of the desk in a senior knight uniform with goggles on his forehead. "Volga, I believe this is your father. He said he met a dragon with a ruby necklace." Gaepora informed the prince.

"My mother gave me that!" Volga said, glad he left it on. He walked over to the chair and looked at the male, seeing deep green eyes with darker blonde hair. "You know Queen Rena?"

"And you're my spawn?" The knight questioned. "I'm Drake, pleasure to meet my own son." He extended a gloved hand as Volga hesitated to take it. Link smiled softly as he watched Volga shake his hand, sadness in his eyes. The prince was excited to meet his father but seeing him now, in person. "Son..?"

Volga ran out, going to the door at the end and threw them open, running out into the evening. "Volga! Stop wait!" Link was chasing him as the blonde stopped near the Bazaar, breathing and crying. He knelt down at him as the light blonde slid against the wall. "What's wrong?"

"That's my father..." Volga answered, a little muffled. "My own father, right there..."

Link set a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, it's a little shocking to meet him. I lost my father when I was younger."

Volga looked up at him, tears running. "Really?"

"Yep. Your father came back alive but mine didn't." he answered sadly. "He died in battle..."

"That's scary. I killed my unbiological brother." Volga said. "I'm still shaking from that..."

"You have us now. You are my friend and a knight in training. Let's get you back to the Academy." Link lifted him up and carried him back. Even though Volga was getting muscle he was light due to the lack of nutrition in his diet. The green knight set him back in Headmaster Gaepora's office as Drake looked at his son.

"I'm sorry Dad, I'm not use to seeing my own father." Volga said. "I'm so unfamiliar with it..."

His father set a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright son. You're new to this. Your mother must of kept you from everything-"

"No. She gave me up for the sake of the kingdom." Volga interrupted. "She loves me and protected me, you walked out on my mother-"

It was Drake's turn to interrupt. "I walked out? I could of been murdered by those beasts!"

"They're my brethren!" Volga retorted. "Even if I am the heir to the throne, I don't care."

Gaepora separated the two. "Volga, go wash off and sleep for the night. You will start tomorrow. Drake, please go home."

The two stood up and walked out, Drake going out the door while Volga walked into what seemed to be the bathing room. Steam billowed around him as he felt relax, taking the clothes off and climbed into the water. He sighed softly and stretched as the door opened. "Hm?"

Link came in, carrying pajamas for him. "Hey, I'm sorry for intruding." He set the clothes down on the cool floor and went to walk out.

"Link, thank you." The dragon said. "You made me feel a lot better. See you tomorrow."

The hero waved and walked out, leaving the Dragon with his bath. Volga was thinking about everything over the course of seven years. Leaving the Caves, venturing to Faron Woods, encountering Eldin and Faron, killing his brother and now in SkyLoft. He looked up at the ceiling and lowered more into the water. "I'm gonna become a knight and return to Eldin when I'm nineteen. That's the plans." He noted.

Volga got out of the bath after sometime and dressed, going back to his bedroom and turning in for the night. He laid under the blanket and shut his pale eyes.

The next three years will go by quick for him. He knows that.

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