Road Trip - Story #1

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"Are we there yet?" Magnus groaned.



"How on earth would we suddenly be there after a second?!" Alec asked, flabbergasted.

"Hey! I'm hungry okay!"

"Me too, we can stop for food at the next restaurant."

Magnus smiled and leaned his head back against the head rest. The drive hasn't been too bad, so far. His seat was comfortable, traffic was fast paced, music filled the air, and him and Alec were happy. Magnus had been getting hungry, and Alec had been singing when the rumbling of Magnus's stomach interrupted his solo.

"Here we go, McDonalds," Alec chose the drive-thru, thinking it'd be faster than walking in. Good thing there wasn't a line. Magnus didn't know how much longer he could wait for food.

"Drive on up," the speaker said.

"Okay thanks," Alec pulled up to the window and standing there was a beautiful human being. He had light brown hair styled to perfection, gorgeous green eyes and an award winning smile. But, those gorgeous green eyes happened to be focused on Alec. Oh no he didn't.

"Hey, I'm Jason," the beautiful boy spoke. "And you are?"

"Alec," Alec replied. He looked confused. During Clary and Simon's mundane lessons, Clary hadn't said anything to him and Alec about the people asking your name at drive-thru's.

"I'm Magnus, his boyfriend," Alec let a small smile appear on his lips, as Magnus waved to Jason.

"Oh, sorry about that," Jason apologized. "Didn't know he was taken."

"Don't worry about it," Alec said, accepting the coffees and burgers from him.

"Bye," Jason said. Alec and Magnus bid him farewell and Alec took to the road again.

"Jealous?" Alec smirked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What?! Jealous?! Me?! No!" Magnus defended.

"Hey, don't worry, I think it's cute," Alec grabbed Magnus's hand, holding it between them. Magnus squeezed Alec's hand in reply, a warm smile on his face.

After another hour of driving, they finally made it to the hotel. It was 10 at night, and Alec was ready to crash. Driving really sucked the energy out of him.

"Hello and welcome to Best Western hotel!"

Alec eyed the receptionist and said, "hi, we're checking in."

"Okie dokie what's your name?" The receptionist lady, who's name was Lacey according to her name tag, was way too bubbly for Alec.

"Alexander Bane," Alec said, catching Magnus's shocked expression but ignoring it. He hadn't told Magnus he'd registered as Bane and not Lightwood. Well, he knows now!

"Ah here you are! Here's two room keys, and the wifi password is on the inside of the brochure," Lacey handed Alec the room key cards with a wide smile. "Enjoy your stay!"

Alec thanked her and then retrieved his bags from the floor. He was still avoiding the look Magnus was giving him. They got in the elevator and thank the angel there were other people in it; Alec didn't want to answer Magnus's questions right then. A ding resounded through the spacious elevator, floor 3, and Alec led the way to their room. It was at the end of the hall, number 322. Once him and Magnus organized their bags, Magnus sat on the bed and pulled him down beside him. Alec took a deep breath. "Magnus, I-"

"So, Mr. Alexander Bane huh?" Magnus smirked as a blush invaded Alec's cheeks.

"Yeah, I uh, I just thought why not, and even though we're not married it doesn't have to mean anything and I'm sorry if it bothered you, "Alec stammered. "I should have asked, I'm really-"

Magnus cut him off by attaching their lips. The kiss was soft and loving. Magnus pulled away slightly, and leaned his forehead against Alec's. "If you wanted my last name all you had to do was ask."

Alec just chuckled and pulled Magnus closer to him. He lied back on the bed, Magnus wrapped in his arms, and he let sleep take over.

AN/ so these stories are gonna be pretty short, but there's hopefully going to be many of them. I hope you enjoyed this first one! Second one on the way!

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