Road Trip - Story #2

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"Hey Magnus?!" Alec called from the shower that was now turned off.

"Yeah!" Magnus yelled back. He was sitting on their bed reading a new book he'd picked up. It was called All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, (amazing book, if you haven't read it, please check it out! I highly recommend it!) and damn was it the saddest thing Magnus had ever read.

"I need a towel!" Alec's voice sounded a lot closer. Magnus looked up and saw his head peeking out of the door. He stared at Alec's red face, and wet hair that was lying flat against his forehead, and he couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I'm sorry, my legs are aching," Magnus smirked. "Perhaps you should just come get one yourself."

Alec chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Magnus? Please."

"Fiiine," Magnus picked himself off the bed and to the closest. He found the towels and held it out to Alec. Before he could close the door, he said," I would've preferred you get it yourself you know."

"I'm sure you would've," Alec laughed. "But now's not the time. Our reservation is for 6, and it's 5:30. Get ready." With that, he closed the door. Magnus just smiled to himself and walked over to his suitcase.

"And remember, it's a fancy place, so dress formal!" Alec called through the door.

After rifling through his many clothes, Magnus decided on a tame suit. The jacket was a dark blue, almost black, and the collar was covered in black sequins. The cuffs of the sleeves were the same as the collar, and the buttons were tiny black diamonds. Under the jacked, he wore a white, silky dress shirt, and a few long gold necklaces. On his hands he bore his many rings, and his freshly painted nails that were the colour of Alec's eyes. The pants were black, his silver shoes were so shiny you could see your reflection. Just as he finished buttoning up the jacket, Alec walked out of the washroom. His hair was done up and his outfit was almost identical to Magnus's.... well... minus the sequins. His jacket was black, and under it was a dark blue dress shirt. His pants were black, and his shoes were a nice polished black. Alec hadn't bothered with a tie, and he kept the suit jacket undone.

"Wow," Magnus breathed.

Alec blushed. "Wow, I look good, or wow I look bad?"

"Wow you look hot as hell," Magnus walked over to Alec, and pulled him in for a long kiss.

"Mm later Magnus," Alec gently pushed Magnus away and to the bathroom. "Finish getting ready so we can go."

"Don't rush me, my look of perfection takes time," Magnus flipped an imaginary piece of hair.

"You're already perfect," Alec whispered, kissing his cheek. He smiled when he saw Magnus's blush. He watched Magnus enter the washroom, and damn those pants fit him well.

"All ready!"

Now it was Alec looked up, and he saw Magnus had used his sparkly hair spray, and his glittery dark blue eyeshadow.


Magnus posed. "I'm assuming that's a, wow, I'm hot as hell."

"You assume right," Alec let out a low whistle. "Come on, time to go." He grabbed Magnus's hand in his and led him out the door.

The walk to the restaurant was filled with chit chat laughter. Alec and Magnus could talk about anything and everything, and it was amazing. They had the kind of chemistry that made strangers aw, and elderly married couples share a look as if they're saying, remember when we were like that?

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