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Fall Out-Boy Beat It

376 words

Kakashi POV

The sun through the kitchen window rudely woke me up, I opened my eye and looked around. I was on the floor, with a blanket over me and a pillow under my head. I looked around and saw Naruto was still asleep, I could hear someone crying. I instantly got up and walked towards to the sound, it was coming from Sakura's room. I opened the door and could see Sakura laying in her bed, whimpering. She seemed to be having a nightmare, I looked around the room and noticed on her bedside table containers of pills. I walked towards her and picked up the pills, Duloxetine, Mirtazapine, Benzodiazepines and Fluoxetine. I gulped antidepressants, sleeping pills. I stood there I tried to think,

Duloxetine is for Anxiety

Mirtazapine is for Depression

Benzodiazepines is sleeping pills

Fluoxetine is for people who suffer with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

I looked down at her, she never told us about it. She was still whimpering, I laid down beside her and pull her towards my chest. After while she stopped whimpering, and the tears on her check had dried. It wasn't even in her updated file, she must of got the pills herself and skipped adding it to her file. She looks so beautiful while she sleeps, her pink hair slightly covered her face, she started to grow it out a few months back, she got to tried of cutting it, it now reached her lower back. The colour of her hair sort of changed to, her roots are a lot darker than her tips. She lost a lot of weight as well, I don't know why she was already skinny. In the last year she's became so beautiful and perfect to me, I don't know why. Sasuke and Naruto have no clue how much Sakura helped them, she saved there lives more than once and they treat her like she's the weakest in the village. Her anger and strength make her the strongest female n the village, and one of the best medics here as well. I love her but it won't work, I know it won't work anyway she's 18 in a few months and will be married.

I love Sakura Haruno ...

but she can never be mine.

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