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Jack's P.O.V.

A jolt rushed through my body and I stared into pitch black darkness.  What is this, I thought, as I struggled to open my eyes to something normal, why am I here?  Suddenly, I heard a far away, familiar voice.  "Hi, Jackie!  It's Emma, my little sister.  I got back my mark from that science report I was telling you about.  It was an A plus!  All this hard work for Grade Seven has finally paid off, I guess."

Grade Seven?  No, no, no, Emma is in Grade Six.  

"Anna's here too, I think she wants to say something.  She drove me here."

Anna's voice entered, loud and clear.  "Hey, Jack.  It's the anniversary today.  Five months since you were in a coma." Anna's voice sounded tired and sad.  I tried to open my eyes, but failed.  I was in a coma for five months?  Anna, I'm  awake!  I can hear you right now, I blared in my mind.  Anna sighed and said, "School's not the same without you, it's quiet.  The football team's doing horribly now that their star quarterback is M.I.A., Jack." Anna continued.  "Christmas is drawing near and..."

Anna's voice became all high and choked up.  "I just want you and Elsa back together!" she burst out and that's when I grew very angry with me.  

Wake up, Jack, I roared at myself, wake up!  I pleaded my brain to make my eyes open, and it was like I was having an argument with myself.  Finally, I started feeling.  I felt sweat beading down my face, the cloth of a bed sheet, the warmth of the room.  My hands started moving on their own, stretching out and loving the fact that they could move.  I heard Emma gasp and Anna crashing into things, calling and running for a nurse or a doctor.  My darkness started fuzzing into a pure, milky white.

All of a sudden, I could make out shapes, which turned into objects and people.  I blinked, and opened my eyes to my sister's eager gaze.  "JACKIE!" Emma screeched and flung her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder.  As she pounced on me, a sharp shooting pain flung up my chest.  I coughed and she got off of me.  "Jackie, what are you-?" Emma began as I yanked off my bedsheets and lifted up my hospital gown.  I saw a wound, with obvious surgery done on it, because it looked like it was stitched or heated back together with surgical tools.  I ran my fingers along it, studying it like a specimen, and it all came flooding back to me.  

Elsa leaned over me, cupping her hands around my cheeks.  I felt an excruciating pain in my chest and I felt weaker each time blood spilled out.  "No, no, please!" she begged to me, but I couldn't hold on.  I tried to force myself to stay awake and look at her beautiful face, but I was already fading.  "I love you!" was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

"Jackie, are you alright?" Emma asked worriedly as a panicky look passed over my face, and I panted slowly, trying to take it all in.  What happened to Pitch, Malificent, and Hans?  Did we win?  Where was Elsa?  "Emma, what happened?" I asked, sitting up.

"Uh, I don't know if-" Emma stuttered and tried to shove me back gently so I was lying down.  My hands reacted and flung her arms away.  She looked at me in shock.  "What happened?" I repeated.


"WHAT HAPPENED?" I roared so suddenly that she clamped a hand over her mouth and began crying.

"Oh, Jackie..." Emma repeated over and over, tears running down her cheeks.  By then Anna returned with the doctor and he gave me a sedative.  I tried to reach out for Emma and Anna, but everything went fuzzy and I fell back against the bed.

*Time skip to half an hour later*

The next time I woke up, my mom and dad were there, along with Emma and Anna.  A doctor entered the second I was awake.  He began talking to me, even though I was dazed from the sedative.  "Hello, Jack." the doctor said, "I am the doctor in charge of your case, Dr. Facilier.  From a stab wound, you were in a coma for five months.  There was a high likelihood that you were never to wake up again, but you did.  It's truly a medical miracle.  Now, what we like to do with coma patients is to keep them here for a week or two, to see slowly if they can live without the equipment that kept them alive with a coma, such as..."

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