I'm Here to Stay

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Anna's P.O.V.

It was morning.  I decided to get dressed for the day before I did anything else.  I chose to wear a creamy yellow sweater with a tiger on it, and ripped denim skinny jeans.  I did my hair in braids and put creamy white bows with blue polka dots at the bottom of each braid.  For footwear, I put on platform heeled suede boots which I got for Christmas.  "Better start some homework." I muttered bitterly, looking at my long overlooked pile of Christmas homework.  I flipped open my math textbook to trigonometry and groaned.  Elsa's better at this than me.  Elsa was always the sensible and logistic one, Rapunzel was the creative and artsy one, Merida was the strong and athletic one, and then there's me- bubbly and crazy.  And trigonometry is far from bubbly and crazy.

*Time skip an hour later*

"I'm a stupid idiot, I'm a stupid idiot." I groaned, hitting my head on my desk lightly ten times.   Around me were scattered crumpled papers which contained my failed trigonometry work.

"Bad work day?"

I looked up to see Kristoff, walking in to my room.  "Your aunt...let me in." Kristoff said and pointed to the doorway which is in the direction of the stairs.  I nodded.  "Yeah," I sighed, "Still don't know if I got the answer to number one correct and I've been stuck on that one for an hour!"

Kristoff glanced at my work.  "Yep, it's correct.  Good job, Anna." He said encouragingly.

"Wait a sec, it takes me, like, an hour to figure that out and it only takes you three seconds?" I exclaimed, exasperated.

"Well, I have been doing math way longer than you." Kristoff pointed out.

"That's what Elsa always says, but she was way smarter than I am at age fifteen, almost sixteen, so where's the logic in that?" I asked with a sigh, sliding my math textbook and workbook aside.

"Speaking of which, where is your sister?" Kristoff asked.

"Elsa?  Well it turns out she wasn't sick, she left because she had a fight with Jack.  Except she went to a party and did get sick there, so a friend's looking after her.  Well at least until one of us goes to pick her up.  I think it'll be... I don't know actually." I said to him.

"Oh." Kristoff said blankly, soaking it all in.  "So, who's her friend?"

"With Elsa?  Who knows..." I said, "Who knows?"

Elsa's P.O.V.

"How are you alive?" I asked, "Your heart stopped beating, you were dead, Belle!" 

Belle looked at me and smiled.  "What did they do when your heart stopped beating?" Belle asked me gently.

"They shocked me." I replied.

"And that's exactly what they did to me." Belle said briskly and sat beside me on the bed.

"But why didn't you come back, then?  Why didn't you?" I spat harshly, a lump in my throat, "We had a funeral, I was sad for a very long time, Belle."

Belle sighed and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.  "I chose to 'die' because I was a coward." Belle said softly, "I was sick of the fighting, even though it was I who suggested we go after Hans.  I don't know why I did, honestly, it was stupid of me."

"No, it wasn't." I argued, "If you didn't do what you had done, then they have killed all of us."

"I suppose you're right." Belle sighed again, "But I wanted a break.  To be free of all this chaos.  I came to Adam's, my boyfriend's, house a few days after the funeral and convinced him to leave with me.  We left for Fiji first, then Croatia, then Costarica, then Tokyo, then New Zeland, then Canada, and so on and so on." Belle explained.

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