Wake Up

75 3 17

Anna's P.O.V.

Two weeks.  Almost three.  I've been cooped up in Belle's hotel in Serbia for that long of a time.  It's for my protection, but I don't care.  I want Elsa.  I lay on my bed in the dim lighted room, hands folded on my chest, as I sighed to myself.  The news was on, but I was staring at the ceiling, not at the television.  Suddenly, I heard:

"Hans South was handed over to the police today by Jack Frost, who managed to catch him in Croatia."  I sat up immediately and turned up the volume.  "Apparently kidnapped singer Elsa Delle also escaped in a car licensed DFGY-624.  Hans claims that she has blood poisoning, which can be lethal if not treated.  Unfortunately, the car has not been found.  If you have seen it, please report any information to your local police station.  Thank you."  I leaped out of bed and began packing.  Elsa could be dead or dying, a negative voice inside me said, but a positive voice cancelled that out by saying:

Elsa's alive, you know it.

I packed a backpack full of supplies and ran out of the hotel room, with all the energy I could muster.  I saw a bus heading to Croatia and hopped aboard.  Don't worry, I thought, I'm coming.  

I'm going to bring my sister home.

Elsa's P.O.V.

I've been getting worse every hour.  I can barely move.  I've just been trying to keep warm and I've been feeding off of the food I have in the house with me, but I've been running low.  I've been taking pills for my fever, and I've been tending to my leg as best as I could.  Time is running out for me.  I can feel it.

"Who'd ever thought it'd end this way...?"  I softly said, beginning to sing.

"Who'd ever thought it'd end this way?

Life is now so wrong when it used to be so right,

It's hard to say goodbye

Why did it have to be today?"

This is the second time I've almost died.  This is crazy.  What life do I live where I am constantly in danger?  Why is it so abnormal?  All I've ever wanted was to be normal and accepted and have friends and family!  "Is that too much to ask?" I burst out, beginning to sob.

"Is that too much to ask?"

Jack's P.O.V.

I observed as police officers searched any traffic cameras they could find over a computer.  They were lookibg for any unusual cars, more specifically, any unusual cars with the license plates DFGY-624.  So far there was nothing in the urban areas, so they were now scouting over rural areas.  "There, I think I spotted something!"  I snapped back from my trance and looked at the screen on the computer.  Sure enough, there was a black car driving down the road at full speed.  "Oh my gosh." I said slowly, "Is that...?"

"Yes, son." The officer said happily, patting me on the back, before ordering at the tech person, "Follow that car."

We followed each traffic camera until the car dissappeared again.  "Where did it go?" I asked nervously, "Where is it?"

"It must be somewhere between these last two traffic cameras.  Well, we've narrowed our search, so let's begin the actual searching part." The officer declared, standing up.  "Jack, I suggest you go to your hotel and wait."

"Wait?" I asked, getting angry.  "Why wait?" 

"Because it may be dangerous."

"Please!" I pleaded, "I'll do anything."

"No, son.  Like I said, it's too dangerous.  The best thing for you and for her is to go to the hotel and wait for news." The officer said sternly but gently, before yelling at his team, "Move out!"

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