Sisters, Sisters

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Elsa's P.O.V.

As soon as I went inside the house I was mobbed by Rapunzel, Anna, and Merida.  "Well?" Anna shouted eagerly in my face, "What happened?"

"Calm down," I replied calmly, raising my hands, "everything went smoothly."

"And are you and Jack a couple yet?" Rapunzel asked excitedly, bouncing up on her toes.

"Y-yes!" I said with a sly smile and my sister, cousin, and friend grabbed each other and started screaming excitedly.

"C'mon, let's get you out of your clothes and into some comfy pj's and we can talk about this for the whole night with a slumber party!" Merida cheered and pumped her fist in the air.

"Ooh!" I cried, "I'm excited!"

"And you should be." Rapunzel told me, "C'mon, let's get into our pyjamas!"

We dashed upstairs, well they did.  Since I was in a mermaid skirt dress I couldn't really run.  But, they still helped me up.  I slid off the dress with their help and hung it up in a garment bag in my closet.  My room was looking less bare than when I left it, but still pretty bare because I had a room in Wisconsin as well as this.  But I was seriously considering staying here because Ariel was moving out with Eric before they got married and I didn't want to live alone.  Besides, Anna was begging for me to stay with everyone in New Jersey.  I would somehow make room for Marshmallow and Toothless and some of the other animals from the barn.  But some I would have to give away, and luckily I know some very nice barn owners.  Anyways, I got changed into a blue tank top and snowflake patterned pyjama bottoms, and my fuzzy blue and white striped socks.  I went into Anna's room, where I heard a series of giggles, and gasped.  There was a stream of feathers gently floating around the room, like little tiny clouds.  I lifted my pointed finger and opened my mouth to say something, but my words were muffled as my face met a pillow.  "Hey-!" I began crankily, peeling the pillow from my face.

"Pillow fight!" Merida interrupted with a cheer and passed a pillow to me.  "You and I versus Anna and Rapunzel!"

"Game on." I said with a smirk, my mood sky-rocketing from slightly annoyed to hyper-game-mode.  I swung my pillow and whacked Anna in the face with it.  She stumbled backwards and fell on her bed, laughing.  I thought I had stunned her so I looked over her with a playful grin.  She stared at me blankly for a few seconds, before catching me off guard and tossing a pillow into my face.  I snatched her pillow before she could retrieve it, and, wielding two pillows, spun in a circle and hit Rapunzel and Anna.  Merida beat Rapunzel with her pillow while Rapunzel did the same, both pillows crashing into each other and causing a pile of feathers to form around them.  Anna joined in the action by prancing around them and swinging her pillow at Merida.  

Oh no Anna, you do not mess with my teammate!

"Raahhh!" I shrieked, and bashed Anna on the head.  She fell to the floor and grabbed my foot, causing me to trip and fall on top of her and Merida.  We created quite a tangled pile on the floor.  "Ouch!" I groaned, rubbing my head, "Anna, you have a mighty pull."

"What can I say?" Anna shrugged, sitting up, legs still pinned by me, "I guess I work out."

We both laughed until Merida asked hesitantly, "Guys, where's Rapunzel?"

Rapunzel's P.O.V.

As I whacked Merida with my pillow, and she whacked me with mine, I noticed a slim figure watch from the doorway.  Clad in her black, purple, and green pyjamas, Malificent looked sadly and longingly from the doorway, before slowly slinking off to her room.  She does that a lot when I hang out with my cousins and best friend.  It's like she wants to join us, but doesn't know how.  We all hated her once, until we heard her real backstory.  The blackmail with Pitch and all.  I think it still has an effect on her.  "I better go talk to her." I muttered under my breath and got up from the floor, ditching my pillow in Anna's room.  The trio, still pillow-fighting, didn't even notice my disappearance.  That's good, I thought, I don't know if they would approve.  Elsa and Merida are okay in Malificent's presence, but not Anna.  Anna's still frightened over Malificent.  Then again, who could blame her?  We live such a messed up life.

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