Caught Again

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Elsa's P.O.V.

What happened while I was gone?  What happened to the group?  What set them off?  What did they do to each other?  I sat in my bedroom, holding a sleeping Olaf on my lap, and reading over the note Jack sent me.

It was the fiftieth time and it still said those same, awful words.  

I mean, we finally had everyone together again, and then, suddenly, they all broke up.  The best thing that I can do is stick together with Anna.  So when we return to New Jersey, we can make things right again.  "Hey, Elsa?" I heard the muffled cries from outside my door.

Speaking of the devil.

"Hey, Anna!  Come in!" 

I saw my sister come in wearing a white bikini with green peacock feathers on it.  She leaned against my doorway.  "Any reason for the get up, Anna?" I asked, snickering.

"You know this safe house has an indoor pool, right?" Anna asked me. 


"So, we're here, it's cold outside, wanna use it?" Anna asked eagerly.  You see, my sister distracts herself from bad things by doing something fun.  That's her habit.  I thought for a moment, and thought that I could use a good distraction.  "Sure!" I said, with a smile, and Anna beamed back at me.

"Kay, meet you down there in ten minutes." My sister told me and left, closing my door behind her.

Ten minutes later, I changed into a strapless bright blue bikini which would fade into white stripes.  I also brought my floppy beach hat for fun.  I slipped on some tan flip-flops with bright blue straps, and Anna put on her polka dot white and green ones.  Then, we went to the elevator of the safe house, and down to the pool.  

The pool was actually designed sort of like a beach.  There was white sand everywhere, and big open windows to let in the sun.  The flooring of the pool was patterned and shaped to look like the bottom of an ocean, it even faded from the tropical bright turquoise colour to ocean blue!  There was a pretend waterfall that you could dive off of, and there were tropical plants everywhere.  "Woah!" Anna gasped her mouth making the shape of an 'o', "How amazing is this?"

"Very amazing." I told her, "One of the good benefits of the safe house Uncle Marcus chose for us."

"No kidding!" Anna cried energetically like a five year old, and went to the shed of pool toys.  She grabbed a rainbow lounge floaty, placed across her stomach, and splashed into the water, floaty smacking against it.  I got splattered with water.  "Pew!  Pew!" I spat, spitting out water that landed in my mouth, "Be careful, Anna!"

"It doesn't even matter!" Anna yelled from her floaty, "You're gonna get wet anyways!" 

True, I thought, and nodded.  I went to the shed and grabbed a peacock floaty, and placed it in the water.  I sat down upon it and kicked off, to get moving in the pool.  "This is fun." I sighed contentedly, kicking my feet in the warm water as I reclined on my floaty.  I drifted by Anna and splashed her, she splashed me back, and we both laughed.  When we both relaxed, we moved ourselbes closer to the windows, to soak up the sunlight.  "Mmm, this is peaceful." Anna said with a sigh.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I'm still thinking about the gang, however." Anna said mournfully, shifting her position so she as sitting up in her floaty.  I sat up too and looked at her.  "I know, it's tough." I said, frowning, "But hopefully they will resolve things soon."  

"Yeah, hopefully..." Anna echoed, and suddenly jumped onto my floaty.  

"Anna, what are you-?" I asked, as the floaty rocked and I fought to make it balance us. 

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