Casted Shadows and My Tears

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Anna's P.O.V.

Her face.

Her face was full of fear. 

Like she knew she was going to die.

Why didn't I save her?  Is this all my fault?  

"It's not your fault, Anna." Belle said shakingly from the front seat of her car.  I folded my arms and sighed, peeping upward at the window, since I was lying down.  We were hundreds of miles away from Elsa.  Why were they saving me when Elsa still needed to be saved?  Why was I a priority right now?

Suddenly, I felt several bumps and I sat up.  I saw that we had parked on a gravel parking lot and were in front of a convenience store.  "Hop out and stretch your legs for a little.  Adam and I are just going to buy some more food and stuff." Belle told me gently, as the bright sunlight shone on my face when she opened the car door for me.  I reluctantly slid out of the car.  I stalked over to the sidewalk of the store and leaned against the wall beside the door.  Adam, Belle's boyfriend, gave me a look of sympathy.  He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry.  You're gonna be safe now."

Safety was never a priority for me!  It never will be until Elsa's back.  Belle and Adam disappeared inside the store and I was left outside.  I hugged myself and stepped into the sunlight.  "You promised me," I breathed, as if I were talking to Elsa, "that we'd stick together.  Where are you now?  Wherever you are, keep your promise, please.  For me."  I fell to my knees.

*Flashback to ten years ago.*

"Ahh, Elsa!" I cried, holding my right knee for it had been scraped in a bike accident.  Elsa rushed over and hugged me.  "Oh, honey!  Anna!  It's okay, sis.  You're okay." Elsa cooed, her protective arms around me.  I sniffled and giggled a little as she tickled my feet.  "You're the best big sister ever, Elsa!" I laughed.  

Elsa smiled and pulled me up by my hands.  She began to waltz me around the room.  She smiled and sang:

(You Are my Sunshine by Johnny Cash:)

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when the skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshine away,"

*Present day.*

I let out a loose sob and wiped my eye, face blotchy and red.  I began singing:

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine"

Belle and Adam came back outside, bags of supplies in their hands.  They exchanged sad looks as I finished with:

"Please don't take my sunshine away,"

Jack's P.O.V.

I found out this morning.  It was all over the news.  Elsa is gone.  The odds are is that she will never be seen again.  That is exactly what the news stations have all been saying.  I've been trying to think happy thoughts.  Like, stay happy, Jack!  Never give up hope!  Elsa will be fine!

Yet there's that gut wrenching feeling that tells me that I will not have a girlfriend again.


I barely moved from my bed as my mom entered.  "Jack?  You need to eat." Mom said, "I made peanut butter and jelly, your favourite."  She handed me a plate with a sandwich on it.  I shoved it away.  "I'm not hungry." I muttered.

All that time we wasted months ago, hunting down Pitch and Hans, locking them up in prison- was that all a waste?  We merely got five months of freedom, of which those five months I was in a coma!  

"Hon," Mom said sympathetically, sitting on the foot of my bed, "Elsa's a strong girl, she will be okay."

"But what if she's not?" I asked, "You heard the news stations!"

"And I also know there is such a thing as miracles, Jack Frost.  Don't give up before you've gone searching for one." Mom told me, patting my shoulder.  She gave a small smile and left.  I rolled on my side and saw the plate with the sandwich.  I quickly bit three big bites into it.  As I was eating, I gained more energy, and that's when I came up with the idea.  I leaped out of bed and began packing my bags.  I went on my computer and searched up:  'Flights to Croatia.'

I did it once and I'll do it again!

I'm gonna bring Elsa back!

Elsa's P.O.V.

"So sleeping beauty's finally awake."

I woke up in a cell.  This was probably an abandoned slaughterhouse like where I was last time, when Jack got stabbed.  It sure smelled like it.  I tried to move my wrists, but I saw that they were handcuffed behind my back and attached to a long chain which lead to a pole in the centre of the room.  I kept looking towards the front of the cell and I saw Pitch, smiling at me evilly.  He walked over and stroked my cheek.  No!  He does not get to do that!  I bit him.  "Gah!" Pitch yelled, waving his wrist, "You little-"

A hard slap met my cheek.  

"Hey, Pitch!"  I turned to see Hans running down the hall.  He unlocked the cell and stepped in.  "Is she gonna say where Anna is?" Hans asked in a hushed tone to Pitch, and I craned my neck upward, and sat up trying to listen.  I stood up as Pitch turned around to meet me.  "Elsa, doll," Pitch breathed, and kissed my neck, "why don't you do me a favour and you won't have to endure the pain I have planned for you."

"That depends on the favour." I said sassily, "Babe."

Pitch cackled.  "Funny, isn't she?" Pitch said to Hans and he nodded.  Pitch pulled my chain so I was touching his chest and leaned in to whisper, "Anna.  Where is she?"

That is not information I will willingly give away!  I will endure any sort of pain as long as my sister was safe!  I looked Pitch straight in the eye, gave a sly smile, and sing-songed, "Not telling!"

Hans looked like a vein popped on his forehead and Pitch exploded with anger.  "Alright!" He yelled, kicking me to the ground, "Pain it is!"  He dragged me by the chain and Hans pulled out a chair.  Pitch shoved me upon it and tied my waist to the chair, and then my legs.  He undid my handcuffs and I punched him, but he hit me back, and tied them both to the chair.  Then, he gagged my mouth so I couldn't talk.  Hans handed him something in a box, and then Hans blindfolded me before I could see what it was.  That's when I felt something being fixed around my neck.

An electric shock collar.

Suddenly, it started working and I felt the searing pain rush through my body.  I twitched and thrust in my chair uncontrollably, feeling more awful each second.  After an incredibly long two minutes, the pain was over.  My chair tipped and fell to the side.  "Leave her like this." Pitch ordered Hans and I could hear them leaving.  I could only see darkness and casted shadows in my blindfold, and I was dimming in and out of reality.  But, all I could see were those casted shadows.

And all I could hear were my tears.

A/N:  Sorry for the short chapter!  Today is November 11th, so let us remember the brave young men and women who have fallen in service to our country and the men and women who continue to serve today.  Lest we forget.  The next update will hopefully be next week at the latest, so stay tuned!  I have big plans!


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