Hope Is Gone

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Elsa's P.O.V.

My hands were trembling as I dialled Anna's phone number.  Jack waited anxiously with me by Pitch's message, both of us not daring to take another look at the horrid sight.  I heard three rings, and then shuffling as someone picked up the phone on the other end of the line.  "Anna?" I breathed, voice sounding like a hoarse croak, "Anna...Anna?"

"Elsa?  What's the matter?  Where have you been?" Anna asked energetically.  It wasn't a good energy, but a bad one.  My sister instantly knew something had happened.  Slowly, I drew a breath and explained what had happened.  Once the story was over and I waited for a response, trying to keep my eyes from brimming with tears.  Finally, Anna said in a low voice, "I'll be right over.  We all will come over."

I nodded although she couldn't see me, and whispered, "Thank you."

And then I hung up.

Anna's P.O.V.

I don't think I've ever seen my sister this upset.  We had been at the tower for just over an hour- the gang and Genie, Aladdin, and Jasmine (the bodyguards). Aunt Arianna and Uncle Marcus were talking to the police, trying to sort out this whole ordeal.  Malificent or Mal decided it would be best if she stayed behind in New Jersey, she did not want to draw attention to us because of her past with Pitch.  Anyways, I noticed that in the confusion the tower was under- Elsa was missing.  

"Has anyone seen Elsa?" I called out, heart rate increasing, believing she had been kidnapped again.  Only getting ignored in return I called louder, "Anyone?  Anyone?"  I blinked rapidly.  If she gets kidnapped that would be bad!  She barely survived her last two kidnappings- Pitch would definitely end up killing Elsa on the third time!  "Elsa?" I cried.  Suddenly, a hand came upon my shoulder.  I flinched, startled.  I looked up to see Kristoff, smiling gently down at me.  "Calm down, Anna." Kristoff told me soothingly, "She's up in her room.  Went up about half an hour ago.  I'm sure she's fine."

I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed with relief.  "Sorry," I muttered, "I guess I got carried away."

"Relax, no one's mad at you." Kristoff told me, but then added:

"Especially under these circumstances."

I looked at him.  Kristoff usually had a positive personality- calm, but positive.  It was heartbreaking to see my boyfriend like this.  He didn't want to be dragged into this, but yet he stayed by my side through good times and bad, and was simply the only man I loved.  And to think I thought Pitch was nice at one point!  I lightly kissed Kristoff on the cheek and told him, "I'm gonna go check on Elsa."

He nodded and so I took the elevator up the tower to Elsa's room.  Her door was closed, so I assumed she wanted privacy.  Instead of barging in I decided to knock softly.  "Do you want to build a snowman?" I joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

I heard some shuffling around and a sigh, before Elsa responded, "Come in."

And so I slowly opened the door.  Elsa was just sitting on her bed, staring blankly at the wall.  "Hey," I said with a small smile, "what's up?"

Elsa glanced briefly down at her thighs before I continued with, "What's going on?"

"I guess I thought once Hans was gone, they could easily catch Pitch as well." Elsa said, "Then this would all be over.  This has been going on for almost a year now, it's too much.  I should have known Pitch wasn't going to wait that long to retaliate- he never does.  It's almost like our history is repeating itself, Pitch kidnaps someone and they get saved eventually, but it goes straight back at the start of that awful cycle.  It's too much."

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