Temple X Reader

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Temple X Reader
Part One
Hey... I.

In your yellow armor you held tightly to your gun. Gun shots and fighting could be heard from across the clearing, you left your team, the reds, and made your way to the blue base. All the sudden there was no sounds.. not a peep.

You quickly jogged over to the base to see your brother laying on the floor with a bloody hole in his chest. Temple had torn his helmet off and now is covering his face. You stood stone shocked for a moment before falling to your knees.

Tears pour down your cheeks as you throw your helmet across the room. You crawl over to your brother and took off his helmet. His eyes were still open and a small smile graced his face. You look into his helmet to see a picture of him and a pregnant Georgina. You slipped the picture into your suit and took off your gloves, leaning against his unloving body, you close his eyes and run a hand through his scraggy hair for the last time.

Tears turned into sobs as you place a kiss on his forehead and get up, taking a step away. Temple looks up to you, several tears appeared to be running down his face also. He wrapped his arms around you. Temple touched your chin and moves it to where your looking at him. "Y/n.... promise me... promise you'll stay with me... and not leave me.." you nod in response. A held in breath is released from his chest.

" you know.. your brother kept trying to convince me to ask you out.. he thought we'd look.. great together." Both of you let out a sad chuckle in reply. You turn your head to look over your shoulder.... at Biffs dead body...

Tears started pouring down your cheeks again, you let out sobs as you held on tightly to temple. You feel his lips touch your forehead and he runs a hand through your hair.

Temple lifts you up and carries you through blue base, slowly he helps you get out of  your armor. Your hands shook as you started to unzip your undersuit. He did it for you and tossed you a shirt then turned around to give you privacy.

For a moment in his shirt y'all stood there.. staring at each other, he laid his armored hands gently on your hips and starred into your eyes. He gently kisses you then picks you up once again and lays you on his bed.

He sat on the side of the bed and stares at you. A small sad smile lit both your lips. He bends down and whispers "I'll take care of things.. go to sleep."

He kisses your forehead and starts to walk out the room. "Oh and hey Y/n... I love you."

*This is short im sorry annnd it's my first temple and gender somewhat fluid... I hope.. if y'all tell me what's not fluid I'll fit it!! Part 2 coming up soon then sigma ;)*

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