My Boy from the City! - Chapter 4

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George's POV

so finally... i already found Greyson! i was really sorry that i came late, but glad he said he's ok.. he's kinda cute, he's taller than me. Do you know how we met? we bumped into each other! we were just half an inch from each other and i felt we were in a paradise!! Tssss.... George?! what are you saying? you cant just fall for a boy in just a second!

He's a cute nose,moisty lips and angelic brown eyes....

While we were in the cab in our way to go home from the airport, we talked a lot about each other, we have a lot in common.... He's so sensible,incredible,he says everything I need to hear and it's like

I couldn't ask for anything better! He respects my space and never makes me wait,he's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable,he's wild and crazy.... WAIT!

did i just met my ideal boy? all of his attitudes says about my ideal boy! gosh... this day is the BESSSTTT!!! we were both smiling when we chat, i felt that it was me and him!

finally,, we arrived home.i help Greygrey carry his luggage while he puts them inside the house. No one's home, my brothers must gone hanging out in that donut parlor again. we used to eat there, i really loved their chocolate bavarians..... YUM!

so, after that, i toured him around our 2 storey house. i welcomed him in his new room , i let him borrow my PS3 and piano so that he cant be bored. I also gave him his new school uniforms and books. We were in the same grade and class! this is the best!!!

After welcoming him, we played Shake It Up on Wii.... gosh i thought he was perfect... he's dance moves are so ridiculous! but cute..... and, it's time for the final round.. we dance and dance until....

we accidentally bumped (again) to each other and fell to the ground, i was on the top of him and  we were both blushing! but suddenly, my 5 brothers arrived! They were all suprised and shocked when they saw us on the floor!

shit! i know what my bros are thinking, so we got up fast as we can...

Me: Oh.... hey,,, bros! so, how's the donuts?

Niall: What are you doing on the floor?!

Me: Uh-um.. Eh-ahh....

Greyson: oh we were playin Shake It Up final round and we accidentally bumped each other.. and its my fault....

Me: Oh, yeah, right, yes! He's right! we were just playing... ish? so, as i was saying how's the donuts?

Harry: oh we brought you home some of your fav donuts!

yes, he said SOME.. and it means to a normal people, little. but for the McKessies? It means a LOT... im a heavy eater, youknow. im a heavy eater who never gets fat.

Greyson: (whispers) who.. who are they?

Me: Oh, these are my over-protective---

My Bros: **gives me a try-to-say-it-or-else look**

Me: I mean my very very kind brothers.. This is Zayne, Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall! my brothers, meet Greyson Micheal Chance! the boy u said that is staying here with us.. and he's nice..

My Bros: Nice to meet you, Greyson! **with a super-fake smile**

Greyson: nice to meet you too.... :-)

gosh... will my Greygrey and my brothers get along nicely?

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