My Boy from the City! - Chapter 16

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George's POV

so, here we are now, 27 years-old... we still miss our Greyson.... now, Me and Regan are married already, we have 2 boy children, named Greyson and Micheal. Lorraine & Andy are married too with 4 kids, Elvis, Oprah, Whitney and Billy. And also with Elisa and Jacob whose a childless couple, so they adopted 3 kids, Kobe, Marcin & Micheal J.... we are happy with our lives now..

while my brothers, also have their own families too and moved out. but my family and i is staying in the house where all started...the group is having a picnic in the school lake with our children... we're having fun while drinking Vanilla Latte...

so, want some other news about our adult life?

Regan is a succesful businessman/actor, while me... im already a counrty singer just like Taylor Swift and also an actress. i love my life....

im working on a song write now about Greyson..... entitled "I Love You Now and Then".. it'll be on my new album. so check it out!

oh, you're finding Henri? oh.. Henri, he's now in Australia, loveless, he's owning a very succesful Zoo there.... he's still waiting Regan to dump me and be his girl....

 so... bye! thanks for your time knowing my story.. GTG! i have an exclusive interview with Ellen later....


 I love you Greyson Micheal Chance.....

xoxo Georginamana "George" McKessie-Young


this is only a FAN FICTION!

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