My Boy from the City! - Chapter 9

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George's POV

i can still remember what my brothers told me last night..... i cannot really move on from that...

 so, i stood up from my bed, shower, dress-up, groom.. then i ate breakfast with Greyson. my brothers are not home again, oh ya, i remember, my brothers will go for an early practice for their football tournament , they're kinda sporty too! im so nervous to speak with Greyson, im trying to be his bestfriend ONLY.

Greyson: hey Georgie! good morning! how your night? i was not able to say good night to you last night. sorry :-)

Me: its... its ok.. :-)

Greyson: so, i see your brothers and you had some serious conversation last night in the living room, whats all about?

oh my, did Greyson heard all of my brothers said to me? gosh...

Me: did, did you heard our conversation?

Greyson: no, no. why should i do that? im not that bad person to that horrible thing. i know what pirvacy means. so as i was saying, whats that all about?

Me: well.....

what should i tell him? should i tell him the truth? no! youre so stupid, george! you cant say him the truth, he will just be hurt!

Me: wll, we just talk about our school days, tests, home works, that's all.....:-)

Greyson: oh.....

Greyson's POV

i know George is lying, i can feel it. we are bestfriends and i know all about her. i need to know the truth. she's acting weird since last night! is this all about me?

George finished breakfast first, she brushed her teeth.. she's so cute when she brushes her teeth... then she went upstairs

i was still thinking about whats all about their conversation last night... i need to find it out.

after i brushed my teeth, exactly the school bus is here.

George is still not talking to me, she sat beside Lorraine (the soprano queen). they talk about singing, piano and music. while me, I sat beside Jacob, one of George's admirers. we talked about George, he said  she is very fun person, kind, cute doofus and never gets sad or angry, she always talk and talk about fun. He said she's only lonely when Henri & Regan left her. I said to Jacob that she's acting weird since last night, but he didnt believed me.

My Boy from the City! - Chapter 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora