Taser Tuesday: Recovery

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Everybody but Hunk and Lance was laying on the couch nursing injuries sustained during "Training". Shiro had burns where Pidge tasered him, Keith hit his head when he collapsed, and Pidge accidentally shocked herself while increasing the power output and had burnt her fingers.
"Man, you keep getting hurt, don't ya, Pidge?" Lance sighed, treating her burns.
"Yeah," Pidge had her computer in her lap and was trying to watch YouTube.
"What is that?" Lance asked, looking at her laptop. He sat next to her and was quickly sucked into the phandom.

About forty minutes later:
"Pidge, you be Phil and I'll be Dan..." Lance whispered, desperately wanting a llama hat and a sharpie at the moment.
"Everybody knows I'm Dan. You're Phil." Pidge sighed, looking up at Lance who absent-mindedly had an arm around her. "If you keep that up, I swear I'll draw on you."
"Go for it," Lance shrugged, closing his eyes.
Hunk stood up to leave.
"Where are you going?" Shiro inquired, holding an ice pack to his burn.
"I'm going to make dinner," he smiled, leaving the rest of them in the living room.
"Heh, Pidge, stop, it tickles." Lance giggled, as Pidge drew on his face.
"What the quiznak are you drawing on Lance?"
She put a finger up, asking him to wait a second. "-Aaaand done."
Lance smiled at Keith and Shiro, causing Shiro to, unsuccessfully, resist snickering. This caught Keith's attention, who burst out laughing.
Lance frowned and turned to Pidge, "what did you draw on me?"
"It's a llamacorn, and it's majestically awkward." Pidge sighed, heading towards the kitchen.
Keith stared at Lance, "are you gonna wash that off?"
Lance picked up what she drew on him with, his eyes grew wide and he sighed. "I can't, unless you have a gallon of hand sanitizer."
Shiro grabbed the permanent marker from Lance and followed Pidge.
"Should we go?" Lance inquired.
"Probably," Keith sighed stretching and following suit.

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