Saturday Night Ludicrous

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"I am so glad to see that the paladins of Voltron could make it!" A young Puigian smiled, vigorously shaking everybody's hands. He turned around to address the rest of the room, "Hey! Look who came!"
The entirety of the room turned, smiled, and cheered.
"My name is Eldor, you guys just follow me and I'll show you around!" The Puigian smiled, spinning on his heels to address the paladins once more.
"Sounds good," Shiro smiled.
Lance leaned over to Pidge and whispered, "I expected something much more formal than this."
"Same," Pidge smirked, observing the party-goers.

--Over in the corner of the room--
"Daaaaang, they look good." A young Galran male smiled, leaning up against the wall.
"Dude," his friend laughed, "I thought you were-"
"Heton, we've been over this. Just because I'm straight, doesn't mean I'm blind... wait, why is that one wearing a dress?"
"Xes," Heton, the other juvenile Galra, smiled, "that's a girl."
"Ooo..." Xes's ears perked up.

-On the second floor balcony, overlooking most of the crowd-
"Man, look at them," a set of Galra-human twins whistled.
"Come on," their brunette friend, rolled his electric blue eyes, "they can't be that attractive." He finally glanced over at the paladins and did a double-take.
"Toldja. That girl down there is pretty cute." The male twin smiled, his golden eyes shimmering as he looked at Pidge.
"Maybe you should do that gymnast thing you do and meet her," the blue-eyed boy joked, looking up from his drink to his friend, "T-Tehox?"
"Quiznak! Lysyaz, you should know not to give him ideas!" The female twin growled, frantically searching for her brother.
"Lixde, I didn't think he was going to go do it!" Lysyaz sighed, heading down to the first floor.

--With Eldor and the paladins--
"This is the dance floor, banquet table, and the door over at the end of the hallway at the top of these stairs is the bathroom." Eldor smiled, pointing to the various highlights of the event.
Shiro tapped him on the shoulder, "I thought this was going to be a formal banquet, did I miss something?"
Eldor laughed, "of course not, it is a formal event when it comes to appearance, but even dignitaries need a chance to just cut loose."
Lance piped up from the back of the group, "I agree completely!"
Pidge had already managed to wander off, and with Big Brother Keith following her.
She'd climbed up a wall in order to examine one of the most peculiar decorations, "it looks like ivy but it's crystalline..." she mumbled to herself, touching one of the leaves that snaked along the wall. To her frightful surprise the leaf burnt her, causing her to loose her grip on the wall.
A pair of clawed human hands shot out from underneath the crystal ivy and gripped Pidge's waist, "gotcha!"
"Well," Pidge whispered, her heart pounding, "that was unexpected."
"You realize those two guys down there have been following you around since you got here, right?" Tehox came into view from underneath the ivy, a spattering of freckles, golden eyes, pale complexion, a button nose, and messy snow-white hair.
Pidge locked eyes with him, "and how would you know that?"
Tehox blushed lightly, "I've been watching you since you got here." He quickly redirected his attention to the two Galra who were about twenty feet below Pidge. "If I drop her, will you two catch her?"
Xes looked over to Heton, who nodded, "yeah!"
"See you down there, beautiful!" Tehox grinned, dropping Pidge.
Pidge found herself landing in the arms of Xes, "I've been trying to find a way to talk to you all night," Xes smiled, setting Pidge on her feet and kissing her hand.
"Watch out!" Tehox yelled, causing Heton to pull both Xes and Pidge back. Tehox jumped off his ledge, double-back flipped, and landed on his feet facing the other three.
"Even I have to admit that was impressive," Heton smiled, Pidge was standing in silence, both awestruck and confused.
"Maybe we've gone about this the wrong way..." Tehox whispered to Xes and Heton, glancing over at Pidge.
"You're probably right, let's try this the Galra way," Heton suggested.
"I agree," Xes sighed, turning to face Pidge. "I am Xes, son of Kremryan, I'm  intrigued by you."
Heton bowed low, "and I am Heton, son of Oairus. I wish to know more about you."
Tehox smiled sweetly, "hi, I'm Tehox, I'm half-Galra, and I think that you're gorgeous." He laughed awkwardly.
Pidge smiled and then looked behind the three boys. "Uh-oh."
The three boys spun on their heels to see Keith and Lance standing, arms folded accompanied by angry glares, behind them.
"You think you're good enough for Pidge?" Keith asked, dead-pan.
Lance sighed, grabbing Keith by his collar and dragging him back to Shiro. "Seriously, I did not sign up to harass those guys, even if they do have a thing for Pidge."
Standing before Shiro, Lance explained the situation he'd been pulled into.
"I knew this would happen," Shiro sighed, "Lance, keep Keith by your side all night, don't let him out of your sight."
"Will do, daddy!" Lance saluted, dragging Keith off towards the dance floor.
"He's gonna make me do things, help me father!" Keith hissed, clawing at the air to get back to Shiro's side.
"Go be a healthy active child, Keith." Shiro smiled, watching as Keith was unwillingly dragged into the crowd. "Hunk is by the food, Lance is dancing, Keith is moshing, and Pidge is being fawned over by Galra." Shiro glanced at each member of his team and stared at Pidge. "Ok, I am uncomfortable with that." Shiro growled, walking over to where Pidge and the growing group of men were.
Pidge finally asked a big question, "how old even are you guys?"
The majority answered with twenty, twenty-one, and nineteen.
Tehox looked at Pidge and whispered, "well, how old are you?"
"Oh boy, look, I've got a plan to get you out of here."
"Heton, Xes, we gotta get her outta the crowd of creepies. Here's the plan..."
After explaining the plan to the Pidge, Heton, and Xes, it went into action.
"FOODFIGHTTT!!!" Xes and Heton yelled, throwing fistfuls of cake at the crowd. Chaos quickly ensued, but in the midst of the madness Tehox managed to sneak Pidge out of the crowd.
On the way out they bumped into Shiro, "what's-"
"Sorry, rescuing a heroine," Tehox grinned, pulling Pidge into the coat closet and ignoring Shiro.
They sat in silence for a moment and then burst out laughing.
"That was crazy!" Tehox exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair.
Pidge smiled, "I feel like Shiro would-"
Shiro stood in the now open door, "explain, now."
"I was rescued by this dude and the two who started the food fight," Pidge smiled, noticing some frosting on Tehox's cheek.
"Saved from what?" Shiro uncomfortably watched as Pidge wiped off the frosting and licked it off her thumb.
"Thank you." Tehox smiled at her, then looked to Shiro, "you know, creepy people."
"How creepy, Pidge?"
"Level 12, father."
He stared at Tehox who smiled awkwardly. "Thank you for saving my child, if you do anything to her, I will skin you and hang your pelt on my wall. I need to go check on Keith."

+on the dance floor+
"Lance, come on, this isn't even very good music," Keith groaned quietly, watching Lance get down.
"Why are all of those guys following Pidge around?" Lance whispered, looking over Keith's shoulder.
"What are you talking about?" Keith spun around.
"The mob of guys that were following Pidge aro-" Lance started but Keith slapped his hand over his mouth.
"Holy quiznak, this is my jam!" Keith totally cut loose, leaving Lance both awestruck and confused.
Deciding to just go with it, Lance joined in.

-Somewhere around 10:00 PM-
Shiro and the rest of the team had gathered around Hunk, who'd found the most interesting drink in the universe.
"Come on! It tastes like your favorite thing!" Hunk urged them to at least try the strange effervescent goo.
Pidge picked up a bowl, shrugged, and downed it in one gulp. "Wow," she whispered, covering her mouth with her hands.
Lance and Keith linked arms and did the same as Pidge. Shiro watched their reactions, closed his eyes, and drank his goo.

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