Snappy Saturday

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10:00 AM:
Pidge woke up at the same time as Hunk as they smelled something heavenly drifting through the air.
"I'll check it out," Hunk whispered, "you go back to sleep."
"Mmm," Pidge pretended to think about it, "Ok." Then she snuggled back into her spot between Lance and Keith and drifted to sleep.

Hunk stumbled through the hallway following the heavenly aroma to the kitchen. Opening the door and poking his head through, he noticed Shiro doing the strangest thing. "Shiro... is that cake?"
Shiro looked up from his decorating and smiled, "oh, hi Hunk. Yes, this is cake. Cake, this is Hunk."
Hunk laughed boisterously, "omigosh, dad, that was the lamest joke ever."
"It made you laugh though."
Hunk inspected the cake carefully and watched Shiro and his technique. "Where'd you learn to decorate like this?"
"I took advanced home ec."
"Is this breakfast?"
Hunk stared at Shiro, "why?"
"It's Keith's birthday. How about you go get everyone and I can explain what's happening today?"

Hunk burst into Shiro's room, "GUYS WAKE UP THERE'S A FIRE."
Lance sat up and mumbled, "what are you talking about?" Keith jumped up and grabbed both Lance and Pidge by their waists and carried them out, following Hunk to the kitchen.
"WHERE'S THE FIRE?!" Keith yelled bursting into the kitchen, still holding the struggling Lance and Pidge.
"Keith, if you don't put me down, I'll quiznakin' bite you!" Pidge growled.
Shiro stared at Hunk, "you told them there was a fire?"
Hunk avoided eye contact, "Noooo."
Shiro sighed and turned to Keith, "please, put them down, there's no fire, unless you count candles."
Everybody sat at the counter and stared at Shiro.
"Why is there cake for breakfast?" Keith inquired, completely oblivious of the date.
"Happy birthday, Keith. Now, blow out those candles."
Keith did as he was told and then accepted the slice handed to him.
"Alright," Shiro sighed, finally sitting down. "There's a formal banquet tonight... and we ALL have to be there."
Pidge groaned, "noooo! Formal things are the WORST."
"I know, but we have to. Which means suits and dresses." Shiro stared and Keith, "suits, Keith, suits."
"Pfft..." Keith mumbled through his cake, "whatever."
"Why do we have to go?" Lance asked, having finished his cake.
"Because you're the paladins of Votron,  and I said so."
"Yes, dad," the paladins sighed.
"Be ready to go at 6:00."

"Daddy! My suit is missing!" Lance yelled down the hallway.
"If you want to talk to me you come where I can see you!" Shiro yelled back.
Lance stomped down the hallway to Pidge's room where Shiro was doing Pidge's hair.
"My suit is missing," Lance huffed.
"I put it in your closet," Shiro stated, turning to see Lance, "-and put some clothes on!"
"At least he's wearing underwear," Pidge laughed.
Lance turned bright red and went to go check in the closet one last time.
"Daddyyyy! It's not here!"
Shiro walked in, opened Lance's closet, and pulled out Lance's suit. "Not in your closet, eh?" Shiro then walked out to ready the shuttle.
Lance was left stewing in his thoughts, and about ten doboshes later he burst out of his room and smashed into Keith.
"Hey! What the Quiznak?!" Keith groaned, rubbing where his and Lance's heads had collided.
"Shiro's a quiznaking witch!" Lance gasped, helping Keith up.
Keith saw a rare opportunity before him, "oh, you didn't know that? He can read palms and everything. The girls at the garrison called him the witch doctor."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh yeah, if you want to be certain, this is a list of things witches can do that normal people can't." Keith pulled out a list that he kept in his pocket and handed it to Lance.
"Thank you, let's go!" Lance smiled,  running down the hallway.

"Is everybody buckled?" Shiro asked, flipping everything on.
"Yes, dad!" Hunk smiled.
"Alright, we'll be there in two hours, and you'll know when we get there." Shiro smiled, racing out of the shuttle bay. Everybody turned to stare at Lance.
"I did it ONE TIME!" Lance scoffed.
"Whatever," Keith smirked, popping his headphones in.
Lance looked around and took note of everyone. Everybody was wearing a suit, other than Pidge, who was wearing a dress and looking very grumpy about it.

----At the banquet----
Shiro was double checking how the team looked before they left the shuttle. "Good, good, good, Keith... take off the fake piercing."
Keith sighed and removed the faux septum piercing, placing it in his jacket pocket.
"Alright, be on your best behavior. Please?" Shiro pleaded, opening the shuttle door and exiting.
"Wow, nice party." Lance whistled, noticing the other worldly decorations and food.

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