Sunday Morning: Part 1

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Shiro woke up with a splitting headache, and at least he made it to his bed. His first clear thought broke the silence in his room, "Pidge."
He ran down the hallways looking for Pidge, finally finding her in the living room and in a very strange position.
"Pidge?" He knelt down by her face, "Pidge, who are these people?"
She put a finger up to his mouth and whispered, "shhh..."
"Pidge," Shiro looked at the people whose laps she was sleeping across, "there are currently three teenage Galra who you are sleeping on."
She thought for a moment and pointed to them, "that's Tehox, he's 16 and you know him." Tehox yawned, and set his head on Xes's shoulder, "That's Xes, he hauled Lance onto the shuttle." Xes whispered hey. "The last one is Heton, and he helped you carry Hunk."
"Pidge, do you know where Lance is?" Shiro inquired,
"I'm not his daddy, that's not my job," Pidge moaned, rubbing her eyes.
Shiro sighed and rubbed the space between his eyes. "I just got up and I'm already so done." He stood up and walked out of the living room.
Shiro found Hunk passed out on the kitchen counter and threw a blanket over his shoulders.
He finally gave up looking for Lance and Keith and stood at one of the computers. "Castle, where are Lance and Keith?"
A little blue and red light appeared in, of all places, the bay of Lions. Shiro slowly made his way down to the bay and what he found surprised him.
"Lance, what the quiznak is going on here?" Shiro yelled, seeing three pairs of legs hanging over the nose of the red lion.
Lance peeked out over the red lion's nose and stated, "um... I-I don't know." His words heavily slurred.
Shiro began climbing up the back of the lion in order to see what had happened.
"Heyyyyy, look, it's daddy!" Keith laughed, holding a bottle of the culprit effervescent liquid.
"Keith, Lance, who is that?" Shiro asked sternly, pointing to the Galra who was sitting between them.
"Shhh..." the Galra whispered, putting a finger to Shiro's lips and smiling.
"This-" Lance lifted his sunglasses and stared at the Galra, "this is... a friend of Keith's?"
Keith stared at Lance, "I thought you brought him."
Shiro growled, "you brought someone into the bay of Lions, and you don't even know who they are?!"
"To be honest, last night is mostly a blur." The Galra sighed, in his calm and very deep voice.
"Omigosh," Lance whispered, noticing his new best friend's snowy white mane, "CAN I BRAID YOUR HAIR?"
"Only if I can braid Keith's!" The Galra smiled.
Keith sat in silence for a moment, "okie-dokie."
Lance looked Shiro square in the eye and pointed to Keith, "I-I like him, he says okie-dokie."
Shiro sat down and criss-crossed, "did you wake up in the baby pool on top of the red lion?"
"Yes," Lance, Keith, and their friend answered in unison.
"At the time, was it filled with whip-cream?"
"Have you remembered his name yet?"
"Yeah, and I have a purse full of daisies!" Keith smiled, showing Shiro the bag filled with fresh daisies.
"What's his name Keith?"
"Lo-lo." Keith whistled, beginning to make daisy chains.
"Lo-lo?" Shiro echoed questioningly.
"Yeah, Lo-lo. If I make daisy chains, would you guys wear them?"
"Absolutely," Lance slurred happily.
"Keith, give me the bottle." Shiro sighed, if anything he could use a drink right then.
The door in the corner of the room opened up and Pidge came in. "Shiro? You in here?"
"Yeah," he groaned, his migraine returning.
Lance looked at her and smiled, "Pidge! You're beautiful!"
Keith yawned, "isn't she? She's gorgeous."
"Where's the harem?" Lo-lo piped up.
"They're here," Pidge smiled, sitting cross-legged on the head of the red lion, as her 'harem' sat behind her. Other than Tehox, who sat next to Keith and offered to help with the daisy chains.
"Who are you?" Keith whispered, grabbing Tehox's freckled cheeks and squishing them.
Tehox giggled, "Tehox 'Tex' the second!"
"Ok, you-you can stay. I like you."

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