All Night Long

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"I never noticed how empty your room is," Lance whispered, stepping into Keith's room.
"It's only a place to sleep," Keith sighed, grabbing his violin case.
"There is no way we could keep you awake in here." Lance spun on his heels and walked right back out dragging Keith and the sleepy Shiro along with him.
"Where are we going?" Shiro mumbled, trudging along behind Keith and Lance.
"The docking bay," Lance replied, "but we should stop by my room."

Having retrieved a mysterious case from Lance's room, the trio continued on their way to the docking bay.
"Oh man," Lance beamed, "I can't wait to show you what I've kept in the bay."
Shiro suspiciously inquired, "What kind of thing are we talking about?"
"Well, it's more than one thing," Lance admitted.
Keith's attention snapped over to Lance, "you didn't."
"I did!"
"How did you find any out here?" Keith quizzically stared at Lance.
"I, um, I had to trade for it."
Keith thought for a moment, "do you even know how to play one?"
"Play what?" Shiro was still trying to drag an answer out of the two teens.
"You'll see when we get the-" Lance cut himself off, "oh, we're here."
In a dark corner of the docking bay was a small doorway, about six feet tall and 3 feet wide. Lance grabbed a pry bar from atop a nearby crate and pried open the door.
"I am not meant for that small of a door," Shiro quietly thought aloud.
The trio squeezed through the tiny door and found themselves in a well-lit observation deck.
Stars glimmered just beyond the glass wall which separated the friends from the velvety darkness. Around the deck were scattered several bolts of fabric, a number of strange plants, a shelf lined with small glass bottles, a lot of origami cardboard furniture, a set of strange instruments, a plethora of paints, an apothecary desk, and something very large which was covered by a beige tarp.
Shiro stood in awe, "how did I not even know this was here?"
Lance strolled past Shiro and began unpacking a mysterious case he pulled out from under the cardboard couch. As Shiro was about to step forward Lance stated, "careful, that part of the floor is wet."
Shiro looked down to see a mural of a sandy beach and carefully walked around it.
"What's in the case you've been carrying?" Keith inquired of Lance, seeing that he had two cases next to him.
Lance put together the mouthpiece of a woodwind, "that's just a cleaning kit."
"Seriously, do you know how to play that?"
"Yes," Lance answered and pointed to the object covered with the tarp, "and that too."
Shiro peered under the tarp, and quickly covered it back up. "How did you even get that on board?"
"Well, it's just a saxophone, Papí," Lance chuckled, tuning the saxophone which was in his hands. Keith sat next to him and tuned his violin.
"This is not a saxophone," Shiro sighed, pulling the tarp off the monstrous instrument. Bronze and silver bells hung from large beams, and each were connected to a piano's keyboard. The bells ranged from the size of a small smartcar to the size of a thimble.
"Oh," Lance snickered, "that. That's a carillon. I'll tell you about it later."
Shiro took one last tired look at the carillon before slumping on the couch opposite of the two boys.
"What are we going to play?"
"Keith, I honestly don't care what we play."
"Fine," Keith rolled his eyes, and drew his bow across the bridge of his violin, playing a low B then a C.
"Teenagers," Shiro sleepily stated.
The two boys opposite of him smiled and began another song.
"Hips don't Lie."
This went on for several hours until Keith moved his fingers to play a middle F then to a basic E. Lance happily joined in, playing a smooth jazz ballad.
"That-" Shiro yawned "-that's careless whisper." His voice began to drift as drowsiness overcame him, "you play that so nicely..."

Lance and Keith spent all night playing music, and Shiro slept through most of it, at least until three in the morning.
The largest bell of the carillon rung out, sounding like a melodious canon. Shiro woke with such a start that he fell off the couch and jumped to his feet, prepared to fight.
Keith and Lance sat at the keyboard of the carillon and looked as though they were regretted all of their life decisions.
"Sorry Shiro," the two boys whispered, stepping away from the carillon.
Shiro ran his fingers through his hair, "it's fine." He looked out the window and sighed, "I might as well get my workout done."
Lance looked to Keith, "I can't keep this guy awake on my own."
"You could come with me, I guess."
"I bet I can keep up better than you can," Lance playfully taunted.
"You won't last fifteen minutes," Keith hissed.
"You're on," Lance laughed, as the pair set off, chasing after Shiro.

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