Featherbed Friday

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At 4:00 AM, Shiro woke up and found that someone had removed all of the couch cushions, and made a pillow fort in the corner of the room.
"What is that?" He muttered, walking over to the fort and peeking inside.
Pidge stared at him, "did I wake you up?"
"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked, watching her yawn.
"I couldn't sleep."
"If you come to the couch, I'll read you a story," he offered.
Pidge grabbed a blanket from inside the pillow fort and followed Shiro to the couch. She put her head on his shoulder and prepared for him to weave a wondrous tale.
"Once upon a time-" He began thoughtfully, but heard snoring and looked at Pidge. He sighed, "it works every time." Then promptly fell back to sleep.

Somewhere around 5:00 AM, Keith and Hunk walked in to find Pidge and Shiro. Lance was with them too, but he was focused on something much different.
"Keith," Lance whispered, poking him in the shoulder.
"Look," Lance pointed to the pillow fort and gave Keith a mischievous smile.
Keith replied with a smirk and followed Lance out the door, dragging Hunk along behind him.

At about 6:00, Pidge woke up and found what the boys had been doing and decided to help.

Right at 7:00, Shiro woke up, and discovered he was in the middle of a giant pillowfort. "I must be dreaming..." He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Papí!" Lance chirped, popping out of a pile of pillows that was next to the couch.
"Father's awake?" Pidge asked, falling through a short wall of pillows that Keith had built.
"Oh, come on!" Keith sighed, helping Pidge up.
Hunk came into the room with a plate full of burritos. "I made breakfast!"
"Yay!" Pidge smiled, rolling over to the couch where everybody sat to eat.
"I really must be dreaming," Shiro sighed, accepting a burrito.
"Daddy, we made the ultimate blanket fort!" Lance smiled.
Shiro looked around, "this is pretty good, but back when I was in the garrison, all the students came together and built the ultimate blanket fort."
"How big was it?" Keith asked, he'd never heard this story before.
"I think it was from dorm #89C, all the way to Iverson's office."
Everybody's eyes were as wide as dinner plates and Pidge stuttered, "t-that's over a mile in length!"
"Yeah" Shiro smiled, "a friend of mine even mapped it out. People kept getting lost on the way to their classes."
Lance stared at Shiro, "can we make a big one?"
"We'd have to use all of the bedding from around the castle-"
"On it!"
"Including the mattresses."
"Hunk, Keith, will you please come help me?" Lance asked with big blue puppy dog eyes.
Keith groaned, "ffff- fine," and ninja-rolled out of his position, dragging Hunk out with him.
Shiro and Pidge stared as the trio left, "they aren't really going to get ALL the bedding, are they?" Pidge asked, realizing who she was talking about.
"We'd better go help them before Lance cracks his spine," Shiro sighed, following the boys out the door.

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